When he calls my name


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’” (John 20:16)
Mary is standing in the presence of angels and Jesus, but does not know it.
This makes me think of how we are all in sacred space, yet do not realize it.
Jesus is alive, and with the Father comes to us through the Spirit.
Yet we mistake holy moments and experiences as ordinary – “the gardener”.
And then somehow we sense the presence of the Lord.
Alone, walking in the woods, I suddenly sense my name being called, ‘Norman’.
I don’t hear it with my ears, but I hear it in my heart and mind.
In those moments, I know it is the Lord, it is a holy moment!
“I have seen the Lord!” (John 20:18)
I have sensed the Lord, heard the Lord, seen the Lord… in this spiritual sense.
I cannot prove this to anyone, but as with Mary, this experience has changed me.
Like Mary I also wish I could hold on to these moments, but they don’t last.
For now, Jesus is not with us in body, but one day he will be (John 20:17)
I look forward to the day when he says my name, and we can stay together, forever.
Lord, may I hear you call my name today, and may I be encouraged through my tears that you are with me, whether I see (or hold) you or not.


  1. Recognition! How do I recognize Jesus’ voice as opposed to other voices? Jesus knows me and he calls me. Lord forgive me for ignoring you. Like Samuel – help me to recognize your voice – that it is you that is stimulating me – that voice – that thought – that vision – that inspiration – that tinge of inclination – that prick of conscience. Help me discern your voice – and not of my own desire that seeks ways that are contrary to yours. I revel Lord in your leading and care – even when it pricks me sometimes because I get in the way! Forgive me I pray. May your Spirit lead and guide me – that I may recognize your voice!

  2. Lord open my eyes so that I don’t mistake you for the gardener in my grief and franticness! Thank you for your constant presence, even if just to remind me if you are there. Help me be rejuvenated by seeing you alone, not by anything you do for me!

  3. Listen.
    Although Mary was consumed by her grief, she did recognize the voice of Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd and His sheep know His name. Mary did and was given an assignment – tell the others. Share the good news.
    I too need to hear His voice saying do this and live. I too have been called to bring the good news. Others need to see Christ Jesus living in me and that I am an instrument of His peace.

    Make me a channel of your peace.
    Where there is hatred let me bring your love.
    Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
    And where there’s doubt, true faith in you.

    Make me a channel of your peace
    Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope
    Where there is darkness, only light
    And where there’s sadness, ever joy.

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