Praying for God’s Jerusalem!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6)
When this Psalm was written, the old covenant temple was in Jerusalem.
Today, the new covenant temple (believers) are everywhere.
“For God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:17)
As Jesus followers, our Jerusalem is wherever Jesus followers are.
Pray for believers wherever they are, for peace and prosperity.
Not just for their own comfort and benefit, but to bless the world.
The plan from the start was to bless the world through God’s people.
“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Mark 11:17)
I do not pray just for Jerusalem in Israel… which I do!
But I also pray for Jesus followers all over the world, to shine with grace.
That they may draw people to Jesus, and not drive them away!
Prospering in love, joy, grace, mercy and peace, blessing others.
Protected and preserved through persecution, like Jesus was!
Blessed to be a blessing, an ‘open house’ for God and all people!
Lord, please protect and prosper Your people, especially where they face hardship. May they may shine in the darkness and help others find You!


  1. Our worship has focus. For Moslems – they face Mecca, for Jews/Hebrews – the focus is Jerusalem. For many Jerusalem is a sacred place. Each year in the days of David – the Israelites would migrate to Jerusalem and they would sing Psalms like this one : “I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” People were happy to go – to worship and sacrifice – to be blessed – as God prospered faithful people. I too face upward – direct my prayers to the place where God is – where Jesus is. Jesus promises hi HS to live in me – he calls me a temple. Lord help me in my focus to look to you – no longer a physical Jerusalem – even though elsewhere the Bible paints the picture of a new Jerusalem. I look forward to being at the New Jerusalem – yet today I have Jesus at hand. Help me to look to you always!

  2. Peace.
    The name Jerusalem means peace.
    It is only in His name, in His presence that we are able to have peace.
    Come into His presence for that peace.
    As people went to the fortified city of Jerusalem for peace we too need to come into His presence for our peace – to live whole lives for Him – holy to Him.

    1 Come into God’s presence singing

    2 Come into God’s presence singing
    “Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord.”

    3 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb.”

    4 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Glory to God,
    glory to God,

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