Listening to Jesus’s truth!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37)
Pilate is trying to figure out the truth about Jesus.
But when Jesus speaks truthfully, Pilate does not like what he hears.
He may ask “what is truth?” but what he really wants is “what is convenient!”
Jesus speaks a challenging unsettling truth that challenges the heart.
An honest, humble heart will feel the truth of what Jesus says, even if it’s hard.
But listening means more than agreeing, it means allowing Jesus to change us.
Sadly people prefer a ‘Barabbas’ life over a humble, healing servant king.
People prefer the ‘free’ life of self rather than the hard truth of Jesus.
Is it also possible that some christians are falling into this trap?
Have we softened the hard sayings of Jesus, and stuck with the comforting ones?
I speak as one that claims to listen to Jesus… but is that really true?
Truth in the abstract may be easy to talk about, but what about lived truth?
Jesus is not looking for a philosophical or doctrinal debate on what is true.
Jesus knows the truth about me, and speaks truth to my heart: am I listening?
Lord, help us move beyond debating truth with others, and allow your truth to comfort, convict and compel us toward living and loving like you!


  1. “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. Good question. I sense Pilate’s frustration – and maybe fear because Jesus is talking about another kingdom – but not one on earth that would threaten him and his rule. Pilate sees Jesus as innocent – possibly obscure because “Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world”. Jesus is truth and Pilate scowls back “what is truth”? There are so many lies and false stories out there now in our world – who do you trust? I trust Jesus – he is the truth. Holy Spirit lead me into all truth I pray! Help me to live it as well!

  2. The leaders wanted Jesus killed and yet they did not want to defile themselves so that they couldn’t do the Passover. Having their own way. They were legalistic in a way. They were self righteous. Help me Lord to see the inconsistencies of my own life so that I may wholeheartedly serve You always.

    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Thou art the Potter,
    I am the clay.
    Mould me and make me
    After Thy will,
    While I am waiting,
    Yielded and still.
    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Search me and try me,
    Master, today.
    Whiter than snow, Lord,
    Wash me just now,
    As in Thy presence
    Humbly I bow.

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