Land Restored

LWiellingaThis week Linda Wielinga has offered to share her reflections on the bible passages. Linda is from Port Perry, teaches art at Durham Christian High School, and is a participant in the Eastern Canada Leadership Development Network.

I Samuel 7
The ark of the Lord is returned and Eleazor is consecrated to take care of it. Samuel intercedes for the people through prayer. The people are gathered and water is poured out before the Lord and the people fast and confess their sins. Sounds like the work of John the baptiser in the preparation of Jesus’ ministry.

God is interested in our heart attitudes. If our hearts are rotting, He knows that they need to be restored. Israel was at another crossroads where they needed to stop and take inventory of what is going on. Samuel intercedes and prays for them. The people respond in repentance. They empty their hearts of the rottenness and allow God to cleanse them. They are re-aligned with their God. God demonstrates his provision against their enemies the Philistines and their land that was taken is restored back to them.

Do you know anyone who is hurting or is feeling defeated? You can intercede for that person. Bring them before the Lord and do not give up. When the Israelites were faced with the Philistine attacks again, the people cried out to Samuel saying in verse 8 “do not cease to cry to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines”

When we intercede for others, we bring God’s power into their battles. There is no better joy in seeing a loved one see their land restored. God desires that his children are able to reclaim ‘the land’ that the enemy the devil has taken. We can be partakers in that – when we pray for each other.

Prayer: Lord, help me to never stop ceasing in prayer, interceding for others. “The prayers of the faithful accomplish much” Thank you Lord for this privilege!

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