Taking charge like Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“So the soldiers took charge of Jesus.” (John 19:16)
Right now horrific scenes are coming out of Ukraine.
Civilians fleeing, homes being bombarded, families dying in the streets.
The soldiers have taken charge, even though they are following orders.
Seeing what is happening in Ukraine makes me angry as I read this passage.
It makes me then think of how often this horror has played out in history.
This is what humans do to humans, always have and it seems always will.
There are also heroic scenes, glimpses of compassion and bravery.
Citizens standing before tanks, refusing to move, ready to die.
Like Jesus they are “taking charge” for goodness, justice, compassion.
His concern for his mother is his concern for us, he steps up on our behalf.
The compassion I see in Jesus, and in people acting like Jesus, inspires me.
I am angry at the cruelty of soldiers, but inspired by Jesus-like strength.
Anger is a poison, I don’t want to become like the soldiers – I want to be like Jesus.
I can’t go there, but I can “take charge” and resist evil with goodness here.
Lord, the soldiers are taking charge down here, and I want to resist them. Help me to “take charge” like you, and do what I can to care for the suffering ones.


  1. More than a claim – Jesus is king of the Jews – king of all who believe. Pilate says: “What I have written, I have written.” It had to be. Jesus is King. He has to be my King – my Saviour – my mediator! More than a claim – He is! I’m an image bearer but Jesus is the Image of God. He is! I needed to move from just reading the words to believing it. Jesus took charge even on the cross – he arranged for the care of his Mother and even his Aunt – not that he had other brothers and sisters that could take care of them – but Jesus knew His Mother’s needs and He cared for her by having John take her to his home. What love is this? The love of a Saviour for me!

  2. Pilate stood his ground only after Jesus had been crucified. He could have done that when Jesus was brought before him for he could find no fault in Him. But all this happened so we/I could have life everlasting. Even though the wrong oft is so strong, Jesus is the Ruler yet. His love never ends as shown by telling His disciple to take care of His mother. Stand up for Jesus is also what I need to do in all circumstances. He reigns through His followers also today.

    This is my Father’s world:
    O let me ne’er forget
    That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
    God is the Ruler yet.
    This is my Father’s world:
    Why should my heart be sad?
    The Lord is King: let the heavens ring!
    God reigns; let earth be glad!

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