Vote for Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“We have no king but Caesar.” (John 19:15)
The religious leaders are pledging loyalty to Caesar.
Many religious leaders in Nazi Germany did the same to Hitler.
Are religious leaders loyal to political parties and leaders today?
Who should we as Jesus followers be loyal to?
Jesus followers will be political (i.e. involved in societal concerns).
But should they be loyal to political leaders or parties?
The only ‘prince’ that we can put our confidence in is Jesus.
All other leaders will fail and disappoint.
We should pray for them, but we should avoid adopting their platforms.
‘I have no king (or prime minister, or president) but Jesus’.
I have become very disillusioned by politics and politicians.
Hope for change will not come by campaign promises or majority governments.
We need more Jesus followers living and loving and leading like Jesus.
If you want to effect change in the world, vote for Jesus by following Him!
Lord, forgive us for adopting worldly policies and platforms, while ignoring your platform. I vote for you!


  1. So quick to use the authority of others to push their own agenda. Though, in ways it seems humanity’s fallen nature stands the test of time and we see this today across all viewpoints. Some might be truly loyal to their “Caesar”, but so many of us are quick to serve any master as long as personal goals are achieved. Lord show me how be more loyal to you!

  2. Jesus held captive – handed over to the Jews who pushed through their agenda via Pilate! He then gave up on justice because of the threat of an unruly mob – so that he finally gives the order to the soldiers to take Jesus to be crucified. Yet it is because Jesus let them – He had the power to incinerate them by just a word – but he didn’t – He let them hold him captive and He let them mock and lead Him away. I can only imagine the inner tension in Jesus – to not say the words that would end it all – that would have been the end of salvation – but No He let them. Oh Lord, I have to admit I so often am so full of myself – I won’t let go and let you! Help me Lord to let go and let you! In my life Lord – that my life may be a life for you!

  3. Who is in charge?
    Pilate thought he was, but he relented to the people and friendship with Caesar.
    Rulers are not to put their trust in their resources such as their riches, women and their military. They are to lead the people with justice and mercy and not their selfish desires. We are told to pray for our leaders but ultimately I am a Christ follower, doing as He desires as He leads me.

    He leadeth me, O blessed thought
    O words with heavenly comfort fraught
    Whate’er I do, where’er I be
    Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me
    Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom
    Sometimes where Eden’s bowers bloom
    By waters still, over troubled sea
    Still ’tis His hand that leadeth me

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