THROUGH this valley!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I have not lost one of those you gave me.” (John 18:9)
Jesus is leading his sheep into the lion’s den.
He knows what is about to happen, but still he takes them with him.
Why doesn’t Jesus just keep his seep away from harm, away from risk?
And yet we know that is is determined not to lose anyone (see John 6:39).
Is this why he allows Judas to stay with him, even eat the last supper with him?
Jesus is giving even – even Judas – time to really know and appreciate him.
To see the full extent of his love, and to experience his victory over evil.
As I see it, the Lord still allows us to go through the lion’s den.
But he is still determined to make sure we are not lost in the process.
Jesus is doing what he does, so that we will not perish but have eternal life.
We may be going through a dark valley, the valley of the shadow of death.
But he is with us, and he will lead us THROUGH this valley.
He made a promise, that he will not lose any of those entrusted to his care.
His words will be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.” (John 18:9)
Lord, even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


  1. Hi Norm, Bill Keeler here. Thank you for the post, I enjoyed reading it.

    Wanted to share some insight on how your post contradicts the teachings of “Jesus” from A Course in Miracles, which is not really Jesus our Lord but rather a demon disguised as an angel of light.

    You write that “Jesus is doing what he does, so that we will not ‘perish’ but have eternal life.”

    So what do you mean by the word “perish”…? I ask because the false Christ of A Course in Miracles tells us, “Brother, there is no death.” (reference: ACIM T-27.II.2.6.8 and many others) If this sounds familiar it is because Satan’s doctrine is always the same as laid out in Genesis 3. It is two-fold: 1. Question God’s word and authority (Did God really say that?) and 2. “surely you won’t die” because (there is no death).

    Just wanted to share this insight with you. With your video being on Britney Shawley’s ACIM Youtube Channel, it gives the impression that you support those demonic teachings, even though I know you don’t.

    God bless you, Norm. I hope all is well with you and your family.

  2. A disciple follows his rabbi wherever. That is what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus knew what was about to happen but He knew what they needed. I am amazed that after they all fell down they still carried out their plan. Blinded in their evil ways. God is in charge. The disciples were let go. He reigns! And He was taken so all His disciples would be free to serve. He continues to be with His people – you and I.

    God himself is with us:
    let us now adore him,
    and with awe appear before him.
    God is in his temple–
    all within keep silence,
    prostrate lie with deepest rev’rence.
    Him alone
    God we own,
    him, our God and Savior;
    praise his name forever.

  3. “When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.” What a drama and what a show of strength. Jesus reminded the people arresting him that he was allowing the arrest by his own submission – He had the strength to hobble them – they all fell to the ground. Wonder what were they thinking as they scrambled to get up again and hold on to their torches and spears – I can just imagine their confusion and embarrassment – but Jesus used it so that his disciples could leave – that they could go freely. Jesus made a mockery of their Armory. Jesus submitted willingly – yet he had to hold back a human tendency to fight back and literally wipe them out – he had the resources that he could call upon – I’m sure the temptation must of been there for him. But Jesus let go and let them take him in and even later pin him to a cross. He did it for you and me! Hallelujah What a Saviour!

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