One in Jesus, one in God’s love!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known…” (John 17:26)
I have a vague sense of what God is, and what God is like.
But my sense of God is much fuller and richer because of Jesus.
For me Jesus is the greatest revelation of God, of what God is like.
When I see Jesus with people, and hear what he says, I am drawn in.
I focus on the gospels because I want Jesus to keep on making God known to me.
Jesus draws me toward God as an experience of love, not just a doctrinal belief.
“…that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” (John 17:26)
Like Jesus, and through Jesus, I hear God say, “This is my Son, whom I love.” (Mark 9:7)
As I focus on Jesus, the glory I see in Jesus draws me in as well.
Jesus also helps me to see others with God’s love, to draw them in too.
As the Spirit of glory united that first mismatch of disciples, he still does today.
We may disagree and be different, yet we kneel together at the foot of the cross.
Jesus continues to show us how we are united in God’s love… it is his ardent prayer.
Am I joining him in this prayer, and doing my part to unite others in God’s love?
Lord, forgive me for not having the same prayer as you, to unite people together in you and in God’s love. Change my heart, and my prayer, to be like yours!


  1. Lord what is unity? Is this something that you have made us capable of?

    Please show us how as individuals we can contribute to the unity of the Kingdom here – I find myself seeking unity through divisive compromise. What is the unity you speak of and how can we embody this? When we as a church tend to unify, we exclude others. Give us the wisdom to unify not in form or opinions but in showing love to no matter who the recipient is, so that we may be like You and know our Father all the more.

  2. Jesus’ prayer for me is that I may know him more and more: “I have made you[a] known to them, and will continue to make you known”. That’s Jesus prayer before he went to the cross. Knowing that Jesus wants me to know him more and more, on top of what he has done for me – sends me a chilling message of “I love you and I want you to know me!” Thank you Jesus for your prayer then and now. May your spirit help me to grow in knowing you more and more!

  3. Oneness.
    God the Father and Jesus the Son are one.
    All those who are in Christ should also be one for we serve the same Lord. God’s love for His people should also be our love for eachother for we serve the same Lord. One-anothering. United in His love. Doing His will so that the whole world may know that the Lord God reigns.

    We Are One In The Spirit
    We Are One In The Lord [2] And We Pray That All Unity
    May One Day Be Restored
    And They’ll Know We Are
    Christians By Our Love, By Our Love;
    Yes, They’ll Know We Are Christians
    By Our Love!

    We Will Walk With Each Other
    We Will Walk Hand In Hand [2] And Together We Will Spread The News,
    That God Is In Our Land
    And They’ll Know We Are
    Christians By Our Love, By Our Love;
    Yes, They’ll Know We Are Christians
    By Our Love!

    We Will Work With Each Other
    We Will Work Side By Side [2] And We’ll Guard Each Man’s Dignity,
    And Save Each Man’s Pride.
    And They’ll Know We Are
    Christians By Our Love, By Our Love;
    Yes, They’ll Know We Are Christians
    By Our Love!

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