Taking heart through trouble!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Like the disciples, there are many things that Jesus says that are not clear to me.
But embedded in the more challenging sayings are these clear, encouraging ones.
The disciples are having trouble understanding who Jesus is.
They are having trouble fitting Jesus into their ideas about the messiah.
They will have trouble when he is arrested, and in fear they will flee.
They will experience the trouble of grief, defeat, mockery, persecution.
Indeed, life in this world is filled with all kinds of trouble.
Which is why I find Jesus so comforting, and why I believe he is from God.
He does not live the happy, successful life, yet he remains faithful and true.
He is abandoned, mocked, tortured and killed, yet he is not alone.
He overcomes the troubles he experiences in the world, and rises over them.
I hang on to Jesus through my troubles so that I too am not alone – he is with me.
I keep pushing through my doubts, fears, questions, troubles… with Jesus.
Because he has overcome, I trust that I will overcome too, for “I am not alone!” (John 16:32)
Lord, I do not feel victorious in my troubles – I still struggle, doubt and run away. But seeing you overcome for me assures me that I will overcome with you!


  1. I may be alone in my troubles – I may be dealing with conflicts or anxieties/concerns in this world that I don’t share with anyone else. I don’t want to be burdensome to those I love – but it is mistake for me to not share my concerns and anxieties to the Lord. Jesus says: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Ultimately he is the source of comfort of overcoming the issues that may trouble me – when I see things that disturb or threaten me! Take heart, Jesus says – I can defeat/overcome whatever it is! Thank you Lord Jesus – you have overcome! Help me to overcome in your name – to not let anything get me down!

  2. Difficulties. Trouble. Struggles. Sickness. Covid. Where do I go?
    The disciples were scattered.
    I too run away and ask where the Lord God is in all of this.
    In the good times I take God for granted and in the bad times I question where God is in all of this. And yet those bad times also drive me to talk with my Lord. He overcame. He will lift me up so that I too can overcome my struggles because He is my Encourager.

    1 In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in thee;
    my hand is in thy hand, thou carest for me;
    my soul with thy counsel through life thou wilt guide,
    and afterward make me in glory abide.

    My God, I will extol thee
    and ever bless thy name;
    each day will I give thanks to thee
    and all thy praise proclaim.

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