did you see God today?

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 5
When the men of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, “The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us, because his hand is heavy upon us and upon Dagon our god.” [1 Samuel 5:7] The Philistines were idol worshipers; their victory over Israel would convince them that Dagon was mightier than Israel’s god. This is why they put the ark at the foot of their idol of Dagon. Imagine their surprise when Dagon is humbled before the ark. God uses their ‘language’ to show them how their god is weak, that He is the God over all gods. Interesting though, the men of Ashdod do not conclude that Israel’s god is mightier; they determine to send the ark away so they can continue to worship their weak god. This ‘miracle’ was not enough to convince them that Israel’s god was the greatest God!

When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man–and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. [Mark 5:15-17] You would think that this miracle, the deliverance of this demon-possessed man, would convince the people that Jesus was worthy of their respect. But like the men of Ashdod, when they see what happens, they send the ‘great one’ away.

I think this is what people do with all the clues that God gives that He is real; they shut their eyes, they look away. I believe that God gives every person enough evidence to show that He is real, that what He says is true. But people do not want to see it. Its too unsettling; forget about what is true, let me enjoy the illusion of truth and life. Satan promotes this. He keeps us focused on what matters to us, what makes us feel good, what keeps us comfortable or entertained. Its not until something radical or shocking happens that we stop and see, for a brief moment, that there is more to life than what we see or appreciate. But this is too scary, to unsettling, so we look away, distract ourselves, drift back into our dreamy world. Satan doesn’t want us to think about truth, or what really matters, or about the meaning of life, etc. Keep us busy, keep us distracted, keep us focused on the pigs, so we don’t see Jesus.

God is breaking down idols today, He is rescuing sinners from Satan’s grip; but do we see it? And will we accept Him, or turn back to our dreamy distractions. That’s what Satan wants…

Lord, help me to see what You are doing today, and help me to dwell on these as proof that You are real, and good, and true!

One Comment

  1. Oh LORD, we too can look around our communities and world today and see the results of our own ‘idol worshippng’. Our ‘idols’ may not be a statue such as Dagon but rather take the form of pleasure, entertainment, wants, greeds, life style choices etc. but they are just as ugly and dangerous and how our misplaced worship must grieve You greatly.

    We question, we doubt and yet Your realness, the evidence of Your mighty power is just as great today as it was then. Search my heart O LORD, expose what is not of You, the things that are taking Your place in my life. Help me then LORD to see these things for what they are and how greatly they hinder my relationship / walk with You. Fill me with Your Truth Oh LORD. Equip me with all that I need to turn from these false idols and stand firm in worshipping You. You oh LORD are all that I need. Nothing compares to You. Cleanse me with Your Holy fire. You are my all in all!

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