Crimson stained!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Who is this… with his garments stained crimson?” (Isaiah 63:1)
At this moment, Isaiah is wondering how long their suffering will last.
On the one hand he knows God’s love and mercy from the past (63:7-9)
He also knows that their suffering is because of their forsaking God (63:10).
This vision of one ‘mighty to save’ stained in blood inspires him to pray.
But how long before this happens, how long must their suffering last?
I too am inspired by this vision of one ‘mighty to save’ stained in blood.
Not in the blood of the nations, but in his own blood, for our sake!
These words motivate me to pray like this for those who are currently suffering.
To hold forth this vision of a ‘mighty to save’ Jesus stained in his own blood.
Our world is still suffering, even though my own suffering is not that great.
There are people all over the world feeling the burden of sin and suffering.
They need the vision of Jesus stained in blood, suffering with and for them.
This does not take away our current suffering, but it does give us hope.
Do my prayers at this time reflect my hope in Jesus, or am I losing my hope?
Lord, where Isaiah saw wrath, I see mercy. Not the blood of revenge but the blood of redemption. Thank you for overcoming evil, and assuring me that one day we all will!


  1. The prophet speaks of the punishment meted out to God’s people who have rebelled against God – how God then hands them over to the oppressor – there is blood shed of lives lost. At the end of the punishment the prophet speaks of God as Father – like Jesus taught as well to call God as our Heavenly Father – the same God that punishes disobedience: “Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Yes we are made in God’s image – we are created by God out of clay and God shaped us. God wants us to love and serve Him and not our own desires that counter God’s. God punishes disobedience – so He sent Jesus to bear that punishment – Jesus’ blood was shed – and the punishment is over. Because of Jesus we may see God as a gracious Father – but we ought not forget the blood – what it took for us to be be redeemed. Lord forgive me for forgetting and taking for granted what it took so that I might live under your favour!

  2. The people had done what was right in their own eyes. They went their own way. They had become their own god. God had left them to their own desires. The enemy became strong for God had left them as they left their God. Yet they/I need to realize daily that He is our Father. He is faithful if we/I but open our eyes and see His faithfulness – the great things He has done for His people. In the evil happening in the world today we need to turn our eyes on Jesus. It is through Him only we are saved. Many the peoples today also praise Him for only in Him are we safe.

    Everyone needs compassion
    A love that’s never failing, let mercy fall on me
    Everyone needs forgiveness
    The kindness of a Savior, the Hope of nations
    Savior, He can move the mountains
    My God is mighty to save
    He is mighty to save
    Forever, author of Salvation
    He rose and conquered the grave
    Jesus conquered the grave
    So take me as You find me
    All my fears and failures
    Fill my life again
    I give my life to follow
    Everything I believe in
    And now I surrender (I surrender)

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