To love God like this!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Psalm 119:145-176

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Yet you are near, Lord, and all your commands are true.” (Psalm 119:151)
The Lord is with us always, wherever we are… but are we with him?
Not just aware of his presence, but with him in practice too?
‘Are you with me or against me?’ we might be asked.
If we are selfish, cruel, vindictive, greedy, are we really with him?
If we claim to love the Lord, we ought to love what he is like.
His commands to love reveal his character, how he is a loving God.
David senses this, and expresses his love for the Lord and his will.
With all his heart, from before the dawn and through the watches of the night.
Seven times a day… with all his heart and soul and mind and strength.
David is inspired to write this prayer to inspire us to love like this.
Jesus assures me ‘I am with you…’ but then asks me, ‘are you with me?’
As I enjoy his loving presence, do I reflect his loving presence?
As I thankfully embrace his forgiving grace, do I extend it to others?
I have a long way to grow in this, but he is with me, and he will help me!
Lord, I love the idea of love, but have a harder time reflecting it. Strengthen me in the truth of your loving presence, that I may show it to others.


  1. I call – I pray – Lord look at me and examine me – accept my praise – and Lord be ready to help me even though I stray! Hear my prayers because of your grace – not because I deserve any of it – but by your grace – that I might experience your love. In gratitude, it is my desire to follow your will, O Lord. Write your laws on my heart – that I might follow you Lord Jesus more nearly each day – I pray

  2. In tune.
    David calls upon the name of the Lord during his troubles. He seeks the Lord, calling upon Him, rejoicing in His promises, obeying His laws,, longing for His salvation, choosing His way. Happiness is serving the Lord, obeying/doing His will. At all times, in the good and the bad, I too need to talk with my Lord and do His will so others may see Him living in me. I am His and He in mine. He is my Helper. He is my lifeline. And I need to praise Him and serve Him always, in all circumstances.

    His forever, only His:
    Who the Lord and me shall part?
    Ah, with what a rest of bliss
    Christ can fill the loving heart.
    Heaven and earth may fade and flee,
    Firstborn light in gloom decline;
    But, while God and I shall be,
    I am His, and He is mine.

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