Our God (still) reigns!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength!” (Isaiah 52:2)
The prophet is urging those who are suffering to be strong and encouraged.
God has allowed this time of suffering, but soon God will end it.
To appreciate this message, we have to imagine how bad things were for them.
What they were going through would be unimaginable for me, and for most of us today.
It is helpful for me to compare my suffering with theirs, and see the difference.
It reminds me that if they could ‘clothe themselves with strength’, I can too!
We are going through a pandemic and it has not been easy, or fun.
We have experienced government restrictions and limits to our freedom.
As I say, these are not easy or fun, but are they as bad as some people complain?
We are living in paradise today compared to what these people suffered.
I hear the Lord saying to me, “shake off your dust” and “rise up!” (52:2)
Stop grumbling and arguing and shine with the light of hope (Philippians 2:14)!
If they could find hope in their mountain-sized crisis, we can in our mole-hill.
Relax, breathe deep and remember that “our God (still) reigns!” (52:7)
Lord, help me to stop putting on my mourning clothes, and to clothe myself with strength. If you were in charge in those terrible times, our current struggle is nothing!


  1. “Those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away…Your God Reigns”.
    Such hopeful words – our God reigns and Jesus will return – Satan has already been crushed and we, the redeemed – the rescued ones – will return. Lord help me to be a messenger who brings good news – lead and guide me to make the most of opportunities to be a blessings – so that others too may want to know. Loving you means loving my neighbour – I thank you for the neighbours I have. Help me to be a blessing to them!


  2. The downward look or the upward look? Where does my help come from? From the Lord God. I am His and He is mine. I must remember that at all times – in the good times and also the bad times. He is here as He has promised. Emmanuel. I just need to put my hand into His for that’s how He comforts His people/me. That’s the upward look – resting on His promises – my Redeemer. Help me daily Lord to live for You and may others see You in me.

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