We are the problem!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Your wisdom misleads you when you say, ‘I am, there is none besides me.’ (Isaiah 47:10)
Babylon, under king Cyrus, had conquered many nations, including Israel.
Isaiah credits God for Cyrus’s success (Isaiah 45:1-7).
But Cyrus and his people let success go to their heads; they become boastful.
This same arrogance is evident today, with all our advances and successes.
The dominant theme in modern thinking is that we are masters of our own fate.
We’ve graduated from homemade idols, we now see ourselves as gods.
And the world is a much better place as a result… NOT!
Some people blame God and religion, but the religions are all different.
The common denominator in all religions is humans; we are the problem!
Our wisdom and knowledge are misleading us, we cannot make or save ourselves.
As Jesus followers, we have recognized our inability and sinful nature.
We admit all that is wrong in the world, and us, and look to God for help.
We see in Jesus God’s rightness, and we join with him in seeking that first!
He is our best hope for freedom, justice, success – for us and for the world!
Lord, we cannot find the truth unless we first admit the lies. We are not God, we cannot make or save ourselves.


  1. ” I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this.” God cares and He allows things to happen to me that I might not like – but he teaches me and reminds me whose I am. Thank you Lord for even your hand of discipline on me – help me Lord to listen and to follow your will more nearly everyday. So often I ignore!

  2. Stop and listen.
    See what the Lord God has done for us/for me.
    Pay attention. Do this and live. Listen to the Lord’s commands. I need to daily listen to His voice for that voice is life giving. See what He has done for His people in past days when they walked in His way? He is my redeemer. There is peace only with Him He cares for His people as none other. Know God. Know peace. Walk with Him always.

    know He rescued my soul
    His blood has covered my sin
    I believe, I believe
    My shame, He’s taken away
    My pain is healed in His name
    I believe, I believe
    I’ll raise a banner
    ‘Cause my Lord has conquered the grave
    My Redeemer lives
    My Redeemer lives
    My Redeemer lives
    My Redeemer lives

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