In his hands!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness… He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free…” (Isaiah 45:13)
Isaiah is speaking to God’s people in their exile and misery.
He is assuring them that no matter what happens, God is working for them.
Don’t trust the idols or the nations, God’s plan and purpose will be fulfilled.
The empowering of Cyrus – a pagan ruler – is an example of this.
God is not the source of evil, but God does control and direct it (45:7).
And God does this for righteous purposes, to rescue and raise up the exiles.
“This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.” (Acts 2:23)
As God raised up Cyrus, God raises up Jesus… to set the captives free.
God is still working through Jesus to rescue and restore people, whatever happens.
If God can use Cyrus, God can use Putin, Trudeau, Trump… God can use COVID.
The appeal of Isaiah is not to lose confidence that God is God, and good.
“I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4)
Isaiah sees God’s hand in and through all that happens… do I?
Lord, I believe this in the abstract, but when it gets personal, it gets hard. Help me to put my hand into your hand, and to sense you carrying me.


  1. “I will raise up Cyrus[b] in my righteousness: I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free,” Isaiah’s prophecies and warnings to the Israelites are borne out – the people are in exile and Cyrus instructs Nehemiah and Ezra and others to rebuild Jerusalem. Jesus is building something in me – in all who love him and desire to follow him. He is rebuilding me and he uses even negative consequences – like COVID, like persecution, like hardship – so that I may be humbled and recognize that without God’s blessing and mercy I am lost – my building of myself will not come to much in terms of the Kingdom of God! Lord, build me I pray!

  2. This is my Father’s world. He is in control. He uses people His wonders to perform. The people need to turn to Him for it is in His power and strength there will be deliverance. Today people need to turn to Him and rely upon Him. He uses the powers of this world for His purposes. And as I continue my pilgrim’s progress my I continue to put my hand in His large hand because that’s comfort. Lead me.

    Lead Me Oh Lord Won’t You Lead Me
    I Am Tired And I Need Thy Strength And Power
    To Guide Me Over My Darkest Hour
    For Just Open My Eyes That I May See
    Lead Me Oh Lord Won’t You Lead Me
    Lead Me Guide Me Along The Way
    For If You Lead Me I Cannot Stray
    Or Just Open My Eyes That I May See
    Lead Me Oh Lord Won’t You Lead Me
    I Am Lost If You Take Your Hand From Me
    I Am Blind Without Try Light To See
    Lord Just Always Let Me Thy Servant Be
    Lead Me Oh Lord Won’t You Lead Me
    Lead Me Guide Me Along The Way
    For If You Lead Me I Cannot Stray
    Lord Just Open My Eyes That I May See
    Lead Me Oh Lord Won’t You Lead Me

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