Come and drink!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” (Isaiah 43:3)
Isaiah is expressing the Lord’s frustration and lament over Israel.
Over their empty religion, their immorality, their worship of idols, and their misery.
The Lord loves his people, is walking with them through this fire.
The Lord wants to restore his children, but they are resisting his mercy.
The words of Isaiah contain both terrible violence and profound compassion.
People often focus on the violence and misery, and ignore the compassion.
But the Lord is not responsible for the violence or misery, it is a consequence.
Our world is filled with misery and violence because of the choices humans make.
Like pollution, I am not responsible for it all, but I do contribute some.
In this context God’s promise is so reassuring; despite it all, he wants to bless us.
While we cling to lifeless idols that cannot bless us, he promises us his Spirit.
The Spirit of life, the Spirit of love, the Spirit of blessing, poured out on us.
What am I focusing on, the misery and violence, or the mercy and compassion?
As we go through the fire, am I saturating my soul with his Spirit flowing in me?
Lord, your Spirit in me is like water on the thirsty land, refreshing me when the world leaves me dry and desperate. Let all who are thirsty come and drink!


  1. “Remember these things,” – The prophet spoke to remind the people of what God has done and is doing and will do. I am to look back and remember – not to forget how God has guided my past to be where I am today and urges me to look to him for the future. Help me HS to stay on the right path – to not only reflect on how God has been gracious to me in the past and corrected me and forgiven me but also guides me to walk more closely in the way of Jesus. May I not forget!

  2. The downward look or the upward look?
    He made me. I am His and He is mine. And His banner over me is love.
    He has made me whole. I need to see Him at work each and every day for He sill displays His glory today. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You in all things. You still redeem Your people if they but return to You. He created me and will not forget me. I need Him every hour so I too can sing and tell what the Lord has done for me.

    1 There’s One who keeps my soul in peace,
    Whose gentle voice bids fear to cease;
    ‘Tis Christ who careth for my soul;
    ‘Tis He that made me whole.

    He hath made me whole,
    He hath made me whole;
    His love will keep me to the end;
    ‘Tis He that made me whole.

    2 Oh, what a debt to Him I owe,
    Who sought me in my sin and woe!
    I’m His for all eternity;
    ‘Tis He that rescued me. [Refrain]

    3 All that for me the Lord hath done,
    He’ll do for thee, O troubled one;
    He will not turn Him from thy plea,
    ‘Tis He that answered me [Refrain]

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