The Spirit of Jesus with me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name.” (John 14:26)
Jesus promises that he will be with us to the very end of time (Matthew 28:20).
But now he is preparing his followers for a time when he is not with them.
His words are meant to give them peace, so that they are not troubled.
But how can “the prince of this world” (14:30) not be troubling?
What happens to Jesus is meant to show us how much Jesus loves God and us (14:31).
But though this is comforting, it is not the most comforting part of his words.
It is the promise of an Advocate (Comforter, Counselor) who will come to us.
The Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of Jesus, is Jesus with us, in us, blessing us.
Through the Spirit we receive love, joy, and peace… not like the world has.
The Spirit of Jesus helps us, teaches us, and blesses us with peace.
As I follow the Spirit of Jesus, my heart is strengthened and I am encouraged.
As I listen for Jesus’s words, as taught by the Spirit, I grow in wisdom.
I am assured how much Jesus loves me and God, and how I am secure in that love.
It is the Spirit of Jesus with us that makes all the difference in our lives.
Lord, as I experience the prince of this world messing with me, keep me focused on you, on what you have done, on what you have said, and the peace of your Spirit in me.

One Comment

  1. Jesus words seem to say to me that Satan’s attempts to derail me – testify that I belong to Jesus: “but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.” For if my life contributes nothing to bear witness to the Gospel – to the kingdom of God – to the Lordship of Jesus – I’m sure Satan would be content to leave me alone and let me float through life undisturbed. The more I am like Jesus in what I am like, my walk and service with and for Jesus – the harder he will attempt to derail me. Holy Spirit help me discern and making ready and willing to serve you Lord Jesus!

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