burning hearts

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. [Luke 24:31] What strikes me in this passage is how elusive Jesus is. The disciples are kept from recognizing Him [Luke 24:16], then when He finally reveals Himself He disappears. He ‘opens’ their minds so they could understand the Scriptures [Luke 24:45]; why didn’t He open their minds sooner? Its almost as if Jesus is hesitant to reveal Himself too much, that He is playing ‘hard-to-get’. Why can’t He open everyone’s minds – why doesn’t He? I think there’s a good reason for this: He is not totally absent or invisible, but He reveals just enough to make people think – but not enough to force them to believe; enough evidence to leave people without excuse.

They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’ [Luke 24:32] I am convinced that God plants enough evidence in the world to leave people without excuse [Romans 1:20-21]. I believe that everyone experiences these moments of ‘hearts burning’, this feeling deep down inside that God and Jesus are real, that what they say is true. Not enough to force them to believe, but enough to convict them when challenged. The hints include the miracle and mystery of creation and life, miracles and unexplainable circumstances, moments of deep conviction, powerful God-moments, angelic appearances, whispers in the soul, realization of mortality and eternity. These kinds of experiences and many more are reported all over the world, by people of all religions and beliefs. These kinds of experiences set our hearts a-burning, though we often ignore or explain them away.

I believe that Jesus is the voice behind them all. Even the wise men sensed His voice when they saw the star in the sky, and were led to Him. Muslims having dreams, atheists deciding to believe in God because of their study of science and philosophy. Jesus is speaking, and our hearts are burning. If we were open to it, we would sense Jesus near us, speaking to us, gently calling and encouraging and challenging us. Sometimes Jesus appears, sometimes He disappears. But He is always speaking, and if our hearts were opened, we too would sense His burning presence in our hearts.

We need to open our hearts, and we need Jesus to open our hearts. Its not either/or, its both! On my part, I need to pay attention to the senses and feelings that point me in His direction; and I need to pray that He will open my heart and eyes to see His resurrection reality!

Lord, I want to see and experience You, alive and well. Help me to pay attention, to be open… and open my heart to know and believe!


  1. Father forgive us for the many times that we too walk around in a blind stupor. We cry out to experience You in such real and powerful ways but then become so focused on ourselves that we miss You. LORD, give me eyes to see You, ears to hear You, a heart and mind to know You. Set my heart on fire for You.

  2. Isaiah 30 tells us – Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Wherever you travel, listen! to Him!

    The women finally had their eyes opened and remembered His words. The two on the road to Emmaus also had their eyes opened and they went back to Jerusalem to tell the rest.

    The’rest’ also needed the opening of their eyes which needed extra proof by Christ eating in their presence. Seeing, they do not see/believe. Christ Jesus opened their minds so that they could see.

    God is at work in me and so I too need to be at work for me. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You each and every day on my journey of learning in Your Kingdom. Break the stubbornness of my heart of insisting upon my own way. Mold me for Your service.

    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that we love Him
    Open our ears, Lord
    And help us to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    He paid a debt He did not owe
    I owed a debt I could not pay
    I needed someone to wash my sins away
    And now I sing a brand new song:
    “Amazing grace” (amazing grace)
    Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay

    Open my eyes, Lord
    I want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that I love Him
    Open my ears, Lord
    And help me to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus

    Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay

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