struggling, desperate hope

Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. [Luke 23:34] I try to imagine what it was like for Jesus to say these words, and to mean them. Father, forgive them, do not hold this against them, release them from their guilt, do not charge this to their account, may they not be judged for this. Jesus is not just saying that He forgives them, He is asking God to let them off the hook. Can you imagine saying this about people who have abused you?

In this chapter we see many people who do not know what they are doing! The religious leaders, the soldiers, Pilate, Herod, the crowds, the criminal on the cross… But we also see glimpses of insight and understanding: the mourners on the way to the cross, the murderer on the cross, the soldier at the foot of the cross, Joseph taking Jesus body from the cross. They may not fully understand who Jesus is, but they do seem to get something, that not even the cross can nullify Jesus’ significance. And for the murderer on the cross to believe that Jesus could help him after the cross, that is amazing.

I identify with all of these people: like the religious and political leaders, guilty of bringing Jesus to the cross; like the people Jesus forgives, not knowing what I am doing, yet being forgiven; like Barabbas, released because Jesus takes my place; like the soldier who sees something in Jesus worthy of appreciation; like Simon of Cyrene, called upon to carry the cross with Jesus, for Jesus, for the sake of others; like the murderer on the cross, experiencing the consequences of my sin yet hopeful for His mercy and help; like Joseph, offering my own life to honour the crucified Jesus.

But in the end, I am more like those who sense that Jesus is the Messiah. Like the murderer, the soldier, like Joseph, I am positively inclined towards Jesus. I have many questions, struggles and doubts, but when it comes down to it, I will not reject Jesus. With struggling, desperate hope, I cry out to Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And with struggling, desperate hope, I cling to His words in reply, I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” [Luke 23:42-43]

Please don’t assume that because I am a minister that I have no doubts. I find believing hard… but I find not believing harder. I take His words on the cross as His words to me: Father, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing. And when things get really hard, I recall His promise: I tell you the truth, you will be with me in paradise!

Lord, I cannot NOT believe. But I need Your help to believe…


  1. LORD, how often does Jesus say “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” as He addresses our world today? Every day, Your Son is being mocked, spat upon, rejected as this world still refuses to acknowledge You and turn to You for salvation. Father, forgive me for the times when I too have looked away….

    Thank You LORD for the reminder of Your love for me as I read these scriptures today – the amazing grace that is offered to me. I too am guilty just like the thief on the cross yet You have claimed me for Your own.

    Thank You LORD that it is not about what I have done or have not done but that it is all about You! Thank You LORD that I am forgiven because You were forsaken.

    I come to the cross seeking mercy and grace, I come to the cross where You died in my place. Your arms are open, You call me by name, You welcome this child that was lost. Jesus, I come. Jesus, humbly I come…..

  2. Hearing they do not hear and seeing they do not see.

    Herod had heard about Jesus and was curious. He wanted a royal miracle, but not like that of the poor beggar. His heart was hardened. He returned Jesus to Pilate. Partners in crime.

    All to often our actions are fear driven – the reaction of our peers – the crowd – just like Pilate. The way of less resistance is easier – to go with the flow rather than against it. Who’s voice do I listen to each day? What/Who drives me on my journey of service?

    As one of the thieves asked, Lord remember me, because he knew he was a sinner. So I too struggle with doing what is right and good and true and I pray like the penitent thief on the cross, Lord remember me.

    Help me this day Lord to be Your servant true.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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