
October 22, 2009
Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. [Luke 22:31-32] Satan is moving against Jesus: He agitates the religious leaders against Jesus [Luke 22:1-2], fills Judas with thoughts of betrayal [Luke 22:3-4], distracts the disciples with thoughts of greatness [Luke 22:24], oppresses Jesus with thoughts of suffering [Luke 22:42-44], disarms the disciples with fatigue [Luke 22:44-45], frightens Peter to denial [Luke 22:54-60], and provokes the soldiers to mock Jesus [Luke 22:63-65]. In the above verse, Jesus says He prays for Peter (Simon), but does He pray for the others too, also for Judas?

When it says that Satan “entered” Judas’ heart, Judas was not a helpless victim in God’s plan of salvation. Satan tried to enter all of the disciples, the religious leaders, soldiers and crowds – and some hearts gave him access. Judas gave Satan access to his heart; it was his love for money that opened his heart to Satan [John 12:4-6; Judas betrays Jesus after the woman ‘wastes’ the expensive perfume on Jesus]. Judas goes from being tempted by Satan to being taken over by Satan. Satan keeps pushing and pushing to take control of our hearts. Giving in to temptation doesn’t make us Satan-possessed but if we keep giving in to temptation, we become hardened to God and open to Satan; he eventually takes over. As long as we are fighting and resisting, Satan is not in charge. But when we stop fighting, Satan gets a foothold in our lives which soon becomes a stronghold.

Satan will come against us. He knows what ‘bait’ works on us – pride, fear, love of money, anguish, despair, loneliness, etc. This is why we need to be on guard, to pray not to fall into temptation. But our focus is not on Satan; our focus is on God and Jesus. We pray, and are strengthened [Luke 22:43]. He prays for us all (even the Judas’s), that we will not fail. He graciously welcomes sinners (including Judas) to His table, that He may bless and help them with grace.

Satan is strong, but Jesus is stronger. Jesus died and rose to life to guarantee our victory over sin, death and hell. We need to go into each day ready for battle, armed through prayer and faith, confident that He is on our side, praying for our success. And as we grow stronger, He sends us out to help others, as they also fight the same fight that we fight.

Lord, You came to help everyone. You pray for everyone, but may do not receive it. Help me to close my heart to sin and Satan, and open it more and more to You.


  1. Good question. I think about the beginning of Job, where Satan asks, and God gives permission. Satan did not dethrone God, he simply stole human hearts. He is still ultimately under God’s authority.

    I see the turning away as when Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Jesus restores Peter (asks question, ‘do you love me’, three times) then tells him to feed His sheep (or ‘strengthen your brothers’)[John 21].

  2. When I read through Luke 22 I was struck by verses 31-32 and wanted to ask about them. I went on the blog and there it was and it helped alot but I still have a couple more questions. “Satan asked”? Does Satan ask first?
    Also “And when you have turned back” Had Peter turned away? Or is he talking about his doubting and denying Jesus 3 times?

  3. Oh LORD, when I read that even one of Jesus’ own disciples got caught up in flesh and worldly desires then I realize even more how greatly I need You in my life moment by moment.

    The battle for satan to decieve us is great. Deliver us from the evil one LORD. Help me to abide in You at all times, to keep my armour on 24/7.

    Your word reveals to us that even though many years have passed and much has changed since the days Jesus walked on earth, people still struggle today with the same things – insecurity, greed, envy, pride, wanting to be the first, the best, jealousy…. (vs. 23-27).

    What the world calls follishness, You O LORD call righteousness. Help me LORD to be Your humble servant. Purify my heart, touch me with Your cleansing fire. Breathe Your life in me, Your holiness is my desire…..

  4. We are heart driven. From the heart come the issues of life. And we see in the religious leaders and Judas their efforts to betray the Christ.

    Even during the last supper, there was this battle of greatness when they were in His presence. But that greatness leaves when under attack if we lose sight of our focus. Remember Peter walking on the water? In Christ he was able yet doubt, dispair, loss of vision came and we sink into dispair. We become lost.

    Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Spirit. Thank You for Your presence here. Help me from day to day to fix my eyes on You. Lead me and guide me. Empower me. And may I also spend time at the ‘Mount of Olives’ so that I am able to do what I have commit to do, God helping me.

    All for Jesus, all for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed powers:
    All my thoughts and words and doings,
    All my days and all my hours.

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours;
    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours.

    Let my hands perform His bidding,
    Let my feet run in His ways;
    Let my eyes see Jesus only,
    Let my lips speak forth His praise.


    Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
    Cling to gilded toys of dust,
    Boast of wealth and fame and pleasure;
    Only Jesus will I trust.


    Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus,
    I’ve lost sight of all beside;
    So enchained my spirit’s vision,
    Looking at the Crucified.


    Oh, what wonder! how amazing!
    Jesus, glorious King of kings,
    Deigns to call me His belovèd,
    Lets me rest beneath His wings.


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