more than being right!

‘John’s baptism–was it from heaven, or from men?’ They discussed it among themselves and said, ‘If we say, From heaven, he will ask, Why didn’t you believe him? But if we say, From men, all the people will stone us, because they are persuaded that John was a prophet. So they answered, ‘We don’t know where it was from.’ [Luke 20:4-7] In this chapter we see the way of Jesus in contrast to the way of religion. Jesus manoeuvres the scheming of the religious leaders, and puts them on the defensive. He is a master of exposure, showing the shallowness of their religion – not concerned for truth but for their reputation and status.

The religious leaders go on the offensive, to bring Jesus down. Jesus does the same, with His shrewd questions, His biting parable, His ability to evade their traps and His knowledge of Scripture. The religious leaders are doing what they do for self-defence; Jesus does it for the sake of others – While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Beware of the teachers of the law.’ [Luke 20:45-46] He is concerned for the widows that are devoured, the poor that are neglected and the sinners that are shunned. He is the good shepherd, and His anger is aroused against the bad shepherds who feed only themselves [Ezekiel 34:10].

More concerned for truth or for personal advantage? I’ve been in religious debates before where in hindsight I realize that I was more concerned about winning that about learning. I wanted to save face when my initial thoughts were dismissed. Pride sets in, and I look for ways to win points, to save face, to salvage my reputation. In the middle of it all I am sincere and serious, but its not until after the fact that I become aware about what I was so sincere and serious about.

Jesus words are intended to bite, to cut, to penetrate the religious exterior and expose the hollow interior. He is not interested in who can debate the best, who knows the most, who wins the most arguments. Generally, in my experience, the ones that argue the most are hiding the most. The louder people speak for ‘truth’, the less likely the actual truth has penetrated to their core. I am convinced that if it did, it would make us humble, gracious, eager to learn, ready to admit error or fault within ourselves first. Jesus can debate with the best, but what He wants is to rescue us from pride and religion. Will we open our hearts to the double-edged sword of His Spirit, allowing Him to look deep within our motives, our desires, our real beliefs?

Lord, deliver me from wanting to be right, help me to want to be humble, sincere, eager to know and live the truth.

One Comment

  1. LORD, forgive us for the many times that legalist and judgemental attitudes show their ugly heads in our lives, our church programs, activities and services. How often do we become ‘religious’ leaders rather than Christ’s servants with hearts full of love and compassion?

    When it’s all been said and done, there is just one thing that matters……. Father, help me to do my best to live Your Truth, help me to live my life for You!

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