‘Know nothing’ Jesus followers


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“This mob that knows nothing of the law — there is a curse on them.” (John 7:49)
I am struck here by how demeaning and dismissive the leaders are.
The ‘uneducated pew sitters’ are ignorant (from Latin word, ‘to not know’).
Having spent their years in their deep study, they know better!
And yet it was the “unschooled, ordinary” (Acts 4:13) people who recognized Jesus.
They didn’t understand theological concepts like ‘incarnation’, ‘atonement’ or ‘trinity’.
But they sense the authority in how Jesus spoke (7:46) and were drawn to him.
Those who are confident that they are right look down on others (see Luke 18:9ff).
But as far as God is concerned, these others are justified by God (Luke 18:14).
Jesus goes so far to say that those who claim to see are blind (John 9:39-41).
It seems to me that the the Jesus family will include a lot of humble heretics.
People dismissed by the leaders as under a curse, but who humbly, simply ‘got Jesus’.
Their theology may not pass muster, but their humility and sincerity will.
These words remind me to stay humble about what I think I know…
Knowing Jesus humbly is what matters, and humbly admitting how little I know.
Lord, forgive me for seeing my education as an advantage over others. Humble my and show me my blindness, that I may see and hear you too!


  1. A former staff person (Muslim) said to me- that sometimes the ‘lawmakers are the worst lawbreakers’. Seems like those accusing Jesus discounted the law because he was from Galilee – but the law is not limited by who you are or where you are from. Their hypocrisy was highlighted by their own – I’m sure that impacted descent within their own ranks (i.e. Nicodemus, Joseph and others). When can I also be hypocritical – saying and acting one way but practicing another? Oh Lord convict me to humble genuineness so that I may be totally honest and contrite before you! Stamp out my hypocritical ways that I may be righteous before you – through Jesus my saviour.

  2. Jesus spoke with authority. He was a threat to the religious leaders of the day because the people followed Him. Their religious positions of honour, respect, authority was at stake because the people followed Jesus, an unknown person to them who challenged their religiousness. Their schooling does not make them have the truth. God empowers His people and He continues to proclaim His Good News by those He wills. All of His are able to share the Gospel and so must I.

    I love to tell the story
    Of unseen things above
    Of Jesus and his glory
    Of Jesus and his love
    I love to tell the story
    Because I know ’tis true
    It satisfies my longings
    As nothing else can do

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