stewards of blessing

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. [Luke 16:9] At first it seems that Jesus is commending dishonesty. But Jesus is showing that “people of this world” are more serious about succeeding in a worldly sense than “people of the light” are in succeeding in a eternal sense. The gist of this passage is that God has entrusted us temporal blessings for eternal purposes, but we must be faithful with those blessings. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? [Luke 16:11]

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus, and the teaching that follows, suggests that there is evidence enough to convict everyone who does not use their God-given blessings for the sake of others. We know better. Even non-christians know better. The “law of love” is written into the very fabric of creation. No one will be able to say ‘I didn’t know’ when God challenges us about not using “worldly wealth” for blessing and helping others.

Jesus’ words “to gain friends for yourselves” and “welcomed into eternal dwellings” paint a fascinating picture. He is describing how the end of life will be for those who spent this life-time blessing others. There will be a party in heaven, hosted by all the people that were blessed into eternity by our generosity. This idea is captured well in Ray Boltz’s song, Thank You.

We are here for a purpose. We were created to love God and love people, and by this to experience love from God and others. The rebellion (Genesis 3) twisted our hearts so that now we love ourselves first, people second (as it serves us), and God last (when we need Him). This is why our world is not paradise, but hell. This is why there are poor, needy, broken, destitute, oppressed, abused, etc. But this is not the way it is supposed to be. And God has restored His kingdom through Jesus, and is now working to restore the proper order of love for God, others, then self. Everything He gives us is designed for this purpose – to bless God and to bless others. Selfish living leads to misery; selfless giving leads to joy. Jesus came to show us how to live this way; He has entrusted us every blessing we need to bless others.

Will we live like people of the world, or people of the light? Will we be faithful with His blessings? Will there be a party for us on the last day?

Lord, generosity is not my middle name. Even in the ways I serve others, I am still focused on myself. Forgive me, please help me to become generous.

One Comment

  1. God has blessed us and we continue to work in His kingdom with the gifts entrusted to us. How do I use the gifts. Do I use my treasures for service or for myself. Am I I-centered or other-centered? Am I using my gifts in building eternal riches or am I just living for today? I in my relationships each and every day need to be a blessing. I was created for a purpose – to serve Him! How will I show the love of God in me to others this day? In all things I must put God first. And they will know us by our love.

    Our director went to an optomitrist yesterday to get his eyes examined because he broke his glasses. During the testing, a conversation arose as to their daily task and the optomitrist said – I like the values you teach. No charge today. The two had never met! What a blessing! May I too be a blessing to others.

    Thank You Lord! And I continue to work for You may I continue to see You in the work I do so I can be GodStrong. LightStrong. LiveStrong. FaithStrong.

    Jehovah Jirah, my Provider
    His grace is sufficient for me, for me
    My God will supply all my needs
    According to His richess in glory
    He will give His angels charge over me
    Jehovah, Jirah cares for me, for me, for me.

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