His love endures forever


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 106:1)
His love endures forever, that is, God never stops loving us!
Even when we mess up, even when we go astray, even when we are hurtful.
The psalmist reflects on their story as a nation… and its not pretty.
How many times did they turn away from God and find themselves in trouble.
Maybe you can relate to this as well.
Think back on your life, on the mistakes and foolish choices you made.
Times when we do things our own way, then find ourselves in trouble.
At those times can we still turn back to God and ask for help?
The whole story of the bible assures us that we can always come back.
In Eden God came looking for us when we gave in to Satan’s lies.
When the prodigal son comes to his senses, the father eagerly welcomes him.
Reminding himself of the goodness and love of God, the psalmist prays this prayer.
He admits their folly and sin, then pleads for God to forgive and help them.
You can do this too, and so can I, “for His love endures forever!”
Lord, you never stop loving me. You do not like what I do, and you let me follow my foolish inclinations. But you’re always ready to restore and help me, because you are good, and your loves endures forever!


  1. “His love endures forever….for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented.” O Lord, we read how quickly your people walked away from a miracle and forgot – how daily you provided for them with Manna in the desert – how you led the way – and yet they doubted you and turned their devotion away from you. I look at myself and see my past, the times of not being faithful, in fully trusting you daily -every step of the way! Help me overcome temptation – guide me by your HS working within me – to keep me on the right path to the promised land – that I may be faithful to receive the gift of life always with you!

  2. My God. My Saviour.
    God rescued/saved His people in days past when they went their own wau rather than His. He restored them.
    He continues to do that also today.
    This is Thanksgiving weekend. I need to hive thanks for His presence and saving grace not only this day but every day.
    Thanksliving made possible in Jesus name. I need to thanks Him daily and glory in Your praise.

    1 Praise him, praise him,
    praise him in the morning,
    praise him in the noontime.
    Praise him, praise him,
    praise him when the sun goes down.

    2 Love him, love him,
    love him in the morning,
    love him in the noontime.
    love him, love him,
    love him when the sun goes down.

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