What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)
Some christians use this verse to support their right to bear arms.
Jesus explains WHY they needed swords in the next verse: “It is written…” (v.37)
He quotes Isaiah 53:12 how the Messiah is arrested with transgressors (lit. rebels).
The swords were symbols of rebellion, and were meant to fulfill those words (v.37).
Jesus isn’t talking about self-defense; how could two swords be enough (v.38)?
During the arrest, Jesus stops Peter from using the sword (Luke 22:49-51).
In Matthew Jesus says, “All who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52).
Jesus asks, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?” (Luke 22:52).
In other words, ‘are you counting me as a rebel, treating me like a criminal?’
I think Jesus is exposing the mistaken idea about God’s messiah and the kingdom.
He did not come with bombs or bullets to make peace; he came with humility and grace.
And as weak as this seems to us, he defeated Satan, sin and death, and triumphed.
There may be challenging situations that require some form of self-defense.
But humility and grace are our best defense, for they align us with Jesus, the triumphant king!
Lord, forgive me for thinking that any kind of violence or rebellion will save us. Impress on my heart the way of grace, humility and peace. Help me to overcome evil with good… not more evil.
Numbered with the sinners but sinless. Lord help us remember that the transgressors are not “them” but “us”.
There is a time for building capacity and a time to serve – to take up our responsibilities. I’m grateful that Jesus is praying for me too as he did for Peter. I falter too – and need to pick up after my failures too. Lord, help me to grow and learn – that I may pick up the ‘sword’ and fight for your kingdom – the way you want me to fight and not the way of the world – with aggression and violence – that I may represent you well!
In trials and temptations, where do I go? Jesus used His Word against Satan and also went to the Lord in prayer. Jesus prays for Peter. Jesus did His best to prepare His disciples. We pray ‘lead us not into temptation’ and the best way is to pray in order to have the victory. I need to be vigilant in prayer to be faithful in all things.
1 In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in thee;
my hand is in thy hand, thou carest for me;
my soul with thy counsel through life thou wilt guide,
and afterward make me in glory abide.
My God, I will extol thee
and ever bless thy name;
each day will I give thanks to thee
and all thy praise proclaim.
2 In glory thou only my portion shalt be,
on earth for none other I long but for thee;
my flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,
the strength of my spirit, my portion for aye. [Refrain]
3 All they that forsake thee must perish and die,
but near to my Savior most blessed am I;
I make thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;
thy grace and thy glory I publish abroad. [Refrain]