Only God has perfect knowledge!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“One who has perfect knowledge is with you.” (Job 36:4)
Who is this Elihu, that he claims to have perfect knowledge?
As I read through what he said, I wondered whether it was God speaking.
Was God using Elihu – this unknown stranger – to challenge him?
Much of what he says sounds like what God might say (ch.38-41).
Yet some of it also sounds like Job’s friends, whom God denounces (42:7).
Jesus could have claimed perfect knowledge, but he didn’t (Matthew 24:36).
Jesus admitted there were things he did not know.
As wise as Elihu is, he has become arrogant in his own thoughts.
I’m reminded again how we need to be humble when we talk about God.
As Jesus followers, we are not better or wiser than others.
It is our admission of weakness and limitation that qualifies us.
Our confidence is in Jesus, not in our doctrines or theologies.
I know why I believe what I believe, but I can’t tell you I’m right.
Only God has “perfect knowledge”, and I trust that God is with me!
Lord, grant me the wisdom to know how little I know, and how much depend on your grace.


  1. The picture of God that Elihu is not the description of my God who is my Abba – my heavenly Father – that I’ve come to experience through Jesus. Yes God is righteous – yes He is all-powerful and sovereign – but He is also gracious and loving – caring for his creatures – for me. Which means He does listen – and He was listening to Job’s pleas – I’m sure it hurt God to see Job suffer when Job was tested. Knowing that God is to be ‘feared/respected’ because of His power – but I also know that God can also be ‘feared/trusted’ because He is gracious. Jesus showed us – and introduced us to God the Father. That is the God I trust.

  2. It’s refreshing to be reminded that only God has perfect understanding and knowledge. Frankly I’m getting kind of tired of hearing many Christians claiming they know when Jesus will return based on what is happening in our world today. This is not the worst the world has seen and may not be the worst it will see in the future. Only God knows the time …

  3. Elihu does speak about the power and strength and majesty of God but he himself seems to be caught up in his own conceit. That is not comfort. Comfort happens only when we place our small hand into His Large hand and He continues to lead and guide me always. I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. Jesus Saviour pilot me.

    1 Jesus, Savior, pilot me,
    Over life’s tempestuous sea:
    Unknown waves before me roll,
    Hiding rocks and treach’rous shoal;
    Chart and compass come from Thee–
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

    2 As a mother stills her child,
    Thou canst hush the ocean wild;
    Boist’rous waves obey Thy will
    When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
    Wondrous Sov’reign of the sea,
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

    3 When at last I near the shore,
    And the fearful breakers roar
    ‘Twixt me and the peaceful rest–
    Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
    May I hear Thee say to me,
    “Fear not– I will pilot thee!”

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