what if…

church - questionI am trying to imagine church in a different way, with a different set of priorities and practices.
What if…

  1. We were more concerned about, and motivated by, God’s kingdom priorities than the church priorities?
  2. We saw each day as an opportunity to demonstrate God’s value system in how we lived life – seeing church as what we do through the week?
  3. We invested more in kingdom building projects and efforts, not church building projects and efforts?
  4. We designed a facility primarily for kingdom activity, that could ALSO be used for church functions once in a while. (For example, build a Youth Center, designed with everything a youth center would need, and allow church gatherings when available – for leadership meetings, worship, prayer, small groups, etc. – though the Youth Center activities would take first priority!!!
  5. We gathered in community space, not in church space?
  6. We came together several times through the week (not just Sunday mornings) to share stories of God’s kingdom in action, to support and encourage one another in our kingdom activities, and to learn together from the bible how God’s kingdom comes in/through/around us?
  7. We minimized and simplified church activities so that people were released to prioritize kingdom activities?
  8. We hired staff for external ministry (community developer, service coordinator), not for internal ministry (i.e. worship, youth, community life, pastoral care).
  9. We didn’t serve people to get them to come to our church, but so they could experience the good news of the kingdom.
  10. We didn’t focus on church growth at all, that we celebrated our church whatever size it was, and aimed instead to share the love of Jesus no strings attached!

Any other ideas?


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