Greater than we know!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“For God is greater than any mortal.” (Job 33:12)
In all these speeches, this idea is what comes out again and again.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot reduce God to a system of thought.
God is greater than any of us, and greater than any of our minds.
All our best attempts to explain God’s ways with ‘theology’ fail.
God is not irrational, God is supra-rational – above and beyond our reason.
The rationalism of the enlightenment led us to reduce everything to science.
But ‘science’ speaks to what we know, and there is so much we do not know.
It takes humility to admit this, and this is what this book is getting at.
We should always hold our attempts to explain God with humility.
Our greatest statements of faith, doctrines and confessions all fall short.
God is greater than any mortal, including the greatest theologians.
One day when we stand before God, we will all see how little we knew.
We will also see that God’s grace and love will overcome our inadequacies.
As Jesus followers, we rest in the mystery and wonder of God’s grace.
Lord, I cannot fathom the greatness of God. But through all the mystery and wonder and uncertainty, I cling to the greatness of your grace and love.


  1. His three companions want Job to repent so that God’s favour will return to him. They accuse Job of refusing to repent: “when you refuse to repent?” Yet Job genuinely doesn’t know what more to repent of that he hasn’t done before. God knows his heart yet God held out. I too can experience times when God seems far away – that he has neglected me. Yet through Jesus’ gift of the ‘comforter’ – the one who is far away is me. Help me stay close to – to always see the light no matter how dark the valley I may have to walk through! How can a person like myself understand the ways of God – how dare I to think that I can? I look back and see the faithfulness of God – there is nothing more reliable and trustworthy!

  2. My God is a great God. Mighty in power and mighty to save.
    He does not deal with me as I deserve through the blood of Christ Jesus.
    His grace, His power, His love, His actions, His . . . is beyond my understanding.
    Continue to be my Pilot Lord and lead and guide me each day in the Way.

    Great And Mighty Is The Lord Our God
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    Lift up your banner, let the anthems ring,
    Praises to our King!
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he;

    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    He has redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
    Set my spirit free.
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he;

    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he,
    Lift up your banner, let the anthems ring,
    Praises to our King!
    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he;

    Great and mighty is the Lord our God
    Great and mighty is he.

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