Looking for a way in


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Then Satan entered Judas…” (Luke 22:1-6)
Judas was not an innocent victim that Satan took over and destroyed.
Judas was wavering in his response to Jesus, questioning his commitment.
As Jesus’s treasurer (John 12:6), he was more tempted by the money.
Jesus was not the messiah he hoped for, not his ticket to success!
Satan works with what we give him.
He takes advantage of the cracks and openings we give him.
When we entertain impure, unhealthy, unholy thoughts or feelings, he pounces.
He puts people in our path, he whispers his lies, he provokes our feelings.
Perhaps Judas had been fighting these negative thoughts and feelings.
But now finally he opened the window to them fully, and Satan enters him.
Inviting Jesus into our life is not a one-time decision, it is a process.
We need to surrender every thought and feeling to Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5).
As we interact with Jesus through the day, we keep Satan at bay.
Satan has a harder time getting in when Someone else is already living there!
Lord, I’m aware of those moments when I let my guard down, when Satan sneaks in and messes with me. Thank you for living in me, and reminding me to resist him before he goes too far.


  1. Jesus’ popularity was a problem – not only for Jesus but also for the leaders who wanted to get rid of him. It allows me to see the importance of having a traitor within Jesus’ innermost group of disciples – even if he became a ‘pawn’ of Satan–Judas was the connection that allowed the leaders to avoid a public confrontation so that they could shut Jesus down. Judas saw an opportunity, because he realized that Jesus wasn’t going to be the kind of Messiah that he had stayed on for – so he deserted Jesus’ mission -he like the rest of the disciples did not understand Jesus mission. If they did, would they have allowed Jesus to go to the cross? I too need to be careful and discerning – not allow my weaknesses to be a ploy for evil purposes. HS – point those out to me – guide me and help me to resist.

  2. The religious leaders – chief priests and the teachers of the law – were trying to get rid of their competition. Judas was a follower, in for himself. Opportunists they were for they devised a plan in secret. Their hearts were in the wrong place.
    Each day anew the Lord has given a new day to serve Him. Jesus Saviour pilot me. I choose to follow Him. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me always from evil.

    Jesus, Savior, pilot me,
    Over life’s tempestuous sea:
    Unknown waves before me roll,
    Hiding rocks and treach’rous shoal;
    Chart and compass come from Thee–
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

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