
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! [Luke 13:34] These words reveal the heart behind Jesus’ call to repentance and His warning about the people not entering the kingdom. He is prepared to face Herod and die, all because He is attempting to gather His people like a mother hen, to protect them. God does not call for repentance because He enjoys watching us grovel, but because it’s the only way to help us; we need to face the problem of sin head on if we want to be freed from it.

God’s kingdom community was established to provide a space for hope and healing for the world (like a small seed becoming a big tree for birds to take refuge in; like yeast that expands the dough to make a huge loaf of bread to bless many). But the Jews saw themselves as judges of the nations, they were under God’s curse and therefore suffered. They were caretakers of religion (‘observe the Sabbath!’) and not of people. But Jesus exposes their lack of compassion, and their own need to repent just as much as Gentiles. God planted them among the nations to show them the way, but after all His care, they still did not produce this kind of fruit, and so God is about to uproot them. In fact, many non-Jews will enjoy God’s eternal feast while many Jews will miss out on it… all because they were not willing!

God loves all people. He establishes Israel to bless and help all people. He calls all people to repent (admit their sin, their need for God’s help), so that He can forgive and help them. All suffering is the result of our alienation from God, and our selfish hearts. We need to get back to God, and with His help we can change the world, restore His paradise. Are we willing? Do we want God at the center of our lives? Do we want to be generous and compassionate? Are we concerned about others’ salvation, or just our own (and those close to us)?

God wants a personal relationship with me, and with others. Not only does He want me to experience this relationship with Him (which begins with repentance), but He wants me to share it with others, to help others come back to God. This is the mission of God, the mission of Jesus, the mission of the Spirit, the mission of the church. Are we willing to experience His love? Are we willing to share it? If so, we will! If not, we won’t!

Lord, help me to sense Your love for me, and for the people around me (not just my family). Help me to love You, and to love them too!

One Comment

  1. God speaks to His people but do we have the ears to hear? Eyes to see? Now is the time to live for Jesus. The events of the world around us remind us to live for Him. His grace still abounds as was shown by the fig ree. But one never knows the time when we meet Him, as the people who died in the collapse of the tower.

    And all need to come into His presence singing Alleluia such as the woman who was crippled. All need His tender care so we all are able to serve Him – producing fruit. The time is now because one day Christ will return and upon that return we must be busy doing what He had asked to do – to live for Him, to serve Him, to worship Him, to praise Him, to rely upon Him, to give thanks to Him. He is my LifeSource today and tomorrow and forever. I need to be GodStrong to LiveStrong each day. Now is the time to serve Him.

    Help me to be FaithStrong. Lead me and guide me by Your Spirit Lord.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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