Who is my teacher?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Beware of the teachers of the law.” (Luke 20:46)
I need to take these words to heart for myself, as ‘a teacher of the law’.
I am someone who devotes my time to studying and teaching scripture.
We speak with authority, quote Greek and Hebrew as we tell people what God is saying.
In this reading, Jesus challenges their authority and teaching.
He warns how such teachers put on a good show, but are often guilty of harming people.
We make people feel guilty, we suggest that they are going against God.
We use our knowledge to our advantage to get people to listen, to do what we think.
It is certainly not my desire to be like this, but there is always the risk.
I take from this a strong caution to be very careful how I teach, what I say.
My job is to help people find and follow Jesus themselves, he is their teacher!
Jesus sends his Spirit to be their ‘teacher’, they must discern God’s will and way.
I am not their counselor, but a fellow student; together we listen to our Teacher!
I can help them, and they can help me, and together we learn from the Master.
In the end, they must follow their conscience, and I mine, and let Jesus be the Judge!
Lord, your Spirit teaches me, and your Spirit teaches us. Help me not to presume a place in others lives that only you can take. Help me be a humble and sincere student of your teaching!


  1. Jesus is important – more important than anyone human that ever walked the earth – yet he didn’t ‘command’ or require the kind of honour that earthly celebrities and important people get here. I wonder if later some of the Pharisees would see all the evidences and make the connection that yes – Jesus is the person David is talking about – he is the long awaited Messiah – the son of David – the King, the prophet the priest – son of God and son of Man! I’m important because of my connection – as a believer – but I should not flaunt it – but in humility serve others so that they too may get to know the saviour!

  2. so many today consider themselves teachers – we live in an age where everyone has an opinion and that opinion always has a platform. Lord help us not to fall into the trappings of false pedestals!

  3. Jesus is Lord – King of my heart and Ruler of my thoughts, relationships, my daily living for Jesus.

    He Is Lord; He Is Lord
    He Has Risen From The Dead
    And He Is Lord,
    Every Knee Shall Bow,
    Every Tongue Confess
    That Jesus Christ Is Lord.

    He’s My Lord, He’s My Lord
    He Has Risen From The Dead
    And He’s My Lord
    Yes, My Knee Shall Bow
    And My Tongue Confess
    That Jesus Christ Is Lord.

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