What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Worship the Lord with gladness!” (Psalm 100:2)
What makes me glad?
Time with my children and grandchildren?
A beautiful spot by the water, watching the sunrise or set?
Moments like these are worth it to me, they make me glad.
The word ‘worship’ refers to something that is ‘worth’ our appreciation.
This song speaks of thinking about God as something that is worth it.
To know that God is God, and we belong to God, and God loves us, always!
Knowing this can inspire joy, gladness, thanksgiving and praise.
If we dwell on the news, or the troubles in the world, we will lose our joy.
If we dwell on short term pleasures, we will be disappointed.
If we remind ourselves about God, and how we belong to God, we will experience joy.
If we join with others in reminding ourselves about God, we will experience joy.
Through Jesus God has shown us the true depth and extend of God’s goodness and love.
We need to remind ourselves – and others – so that we do not lose hope.
Worship God and Jesus… they’re worth it!
Lord, thank you for giving me love and joy and peace within. Help me to express it out loud, to remind myself and others how ‘worth it’ God is!
Sing to the Lord, Oh my soul
Let the heavens shout for joy
Great is our God
“we are his people, the sheep of his pasture”. I can relate to this since we’ve had the privilege of raising sheep for a number of years. Sheep seem so dependent and can easily get into trouble – yet they are endearing creatures and can have a special bond with the shepherd. The little lambs are so innocent and cute – but when rejected by their mother – are difficult to keep alive even if they take to bottle feeding. They need that special nurture and care of their mother to grow, to thrive. I too need the nurture of the shepherd – of the flock – to grow. We are the sheep – we belong together – because then we grow. Forgive me Lord for sometimes being so independent and not reaching out!
I am created to serve. This is a new day which the Lord God has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. He is my God and He gives me the strength each day anew to be His. He has blessed me and continues to do so. I need to tell others what the Lord God has done for me. He is faithful and I will continue to serve Him with thanksgiving in my heart.
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from Heaven above
With wisdom power and love
Our God is an awesome God
He is faithful, He is glorious
And He is Jesus, all my hope is in Him
He is freedom, He is healing right now
He is hope and joy, love and peace and life