psalm 151

Hand Writing
Have you ever read Psalm 151?
Probably not, since it hasn’t been written… yet!
Psalm 151 is my psalm, your psalm, anyone’s psalm. Its our own personal response to God’s presence, power or purpose in our life. Just as David wrote psalms to express his own faith and struggle, we can also do the same.
It can be long or short, fancy or plain, poetic or pathetic, profound or simplistic, whatever, so long as it is real, from the heart.
Your psalm, my psalm, anyone’s psalm.
I’ve asked the Crossroads community to write their own psalms, and I am getting some responses. Here is a good place to post your psalm, if you wish.


  1. A Psalm of Murray – This is an Acrostic Psalm (using the letters of the alphabet). This is similar to those in Psalms, except they were done in Hebrew. Examples of Acrostic Psalms is 9-10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, and 145.

    Always be thankful for God’s care and hand on your life.

    Be aware that even when you are not thinking about God, He has His hand on your life.

    Can you remember times that you can see evidence of God?

    Do you know that He shows up in circumstances even when we have not called on Him?

    Every aspect of my life is in His control.

    Fighting pain or stress is easier when God is by my side.

    Good things happen, just open your eyes to see them, and give God thanks.

    How great and awesome is my God.

    I want to let others know of the love of Jesus.

    Just give God a chance to show you His peace and joy.

    Know that He only wants good things for you.

    Look around and see God’s work in nature.

    Make no mistake, God has an interest in our lives.

    No matter the situation I find myself in, I can count on God to be very close to me.

    Only God can be counted on to be a constant source of comfort.

    Perhaps I can go for a time without thinking of Him, until…

    Quietly, gently, He reminds me that I am not in control.

    Rest in His peace, knowing that He is near.

    Stay close to God, and you will feel His love.

    Take nothing for granted, God is found even in the smallest details of your life.

    Until I give God praise and honour for His hand in my life, I am not giving Him His due.

    Very often, I fail to credit God for the “God moments” in my life.

    Why not tell of His greatness?

    Xoxoxoxo shows our hugs and kisses for each other. Why can’t we show our love for God?

    You can always count on Him.

    Zero in on His care and everlasting love for you.

  2. My Psalm

    Have pity on me Lord, have mercy on me.
    Lord I am so confused.
    Lord I dont understand.
    I have tried to always do your will.
    I have always loved you.
    Yet it seems like my world is falling apart.
    Everywhere I look it seems like everyone else is doing so well.
    It just seems so easy for everyone else.
    I feel like such a screw up.
    I feel like everyone thinks Im an idiot.
    But I know you dont think that Lord.
    I know you love me and love my children.
    I know you think I am wise just like I think my children are the smartest.
    You dont see me the way the world sees me.
    You look at my heart and you know me.
    I have hope in you Lord.
    Because of you I dont worry.
    Because of you I can sleep at night.
    Because of you I sing.
    I sing for you Lord.
    I was born to sing for you.
    I love to sing and dance for you Lord.
    I love to go outdoors and enjoy your beautiful creation and feel your presence.
    I love you Lord and you make me feel special.
    Because of you I have hope.
    I trust you Lord.
    You are my strength and what keeps me going.
    You give me so much Lord.
    You are everything to me Lord.
    I want to give you my best.
    I will hold on to you Lord.
    Because I know you love me.
    You give me little gifts
    Just when I need it.
    You know what I need and
    You know how to cheer me up and bless me.
    Lord help me to be a blessing to others.
    I love you Lord.
    Ever since I was little you have been my best friend
    And you have never let me down.
    I love you Lord.
    You are everything to me.
    I praise you Lord and give you all the glory.
    You are my King yet you put a crown on my head.
    Oh how I love you.
    I love you my King, my Father, my Friend.

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