A love that goes beyond the law


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” (Luke 14:3)
When I read a law in the bible, I want to explore WHY that law is there.
Some laws are harder than others, and some I cannot figure out.
But as I reflect on most of the laws, I can usually see good reasons for them.
God wants to help us, protect us, to enhance life and not burden it.
This is especially clear in the life and teachings of Jesus.
Jesus takes us beyond obeying laws to obeying God’s heart in them.
The commands against murder incudes anger, hatred and name calling.
The commands for sabbath includes healing, helping and blessing others.
The commands for giving includes self-sacrifice, compassion and forgiveness.
We reduce obedience to not doing bad things, and just enough good things.
Jesus shows us how obeying the law is so much more.
It is ALWAYS lawful to do good, be generous, forgive, heal, help, bless, etc.
“Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:23)
Jesus points us beyond the laws to the reason for the laws: LOVE!
Lord, I realize that I am following the letter of the law more than the intent of the law. Ignite a love for God and people in me that better reflects your self-denying, other-blessing love and life!


  1. Lord thank you for comparing healing or showing love to a stranger to pulling a child or ox out of the well. Thank you for showing us that the conversation isn’t about how we can be a good neighbour within the law, but what lengths would we go to to show love to our family – thank you for loving us this way!

  2. Am I afraid of the freedom I have in Christ? When it comes to the ‘Lord’s Day’ – I try to honour it and set it aside as special. I’m freed from my daily obligations – work etc. and can have the time to put up my feet – read a book – enjoy sometime with a hobby – in simple terms – I’ve been freed- and I think that captures the sense of Jesus liberating this man from his illness – an illness that is day in day out – chronic – no Sabbath rest – an now Jesus gives him true Sabbath. Help me Lord to help others to have freedom as well. Help me not get caught up in a cycle that does not allow for Sabbath rest – been there, done that and don’t like it!

  3. Intention is a powerful force and loving intention from God to us, our loving intention towards God and others is the Love Law I believe we are intended to live, play and work within. Set my intention on the Love of God through Jesus and then just let “them” watch closely, no explanation required.

  4. The Sabbath was set aside to remember God for His goodness. A day set apart to praise God and not a day to to stop the love of God. The religious leaders were watching Jesus once again what He would do. The love of God and the love of man must always come first. At all times I need to serve God and my neighbour. The summary of the law is to love God and to love neighbour at all times. Lord make me an instrument of peace.

    Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace
    Where there’s hatred, let me sow love
    And where there is injury, pardon
    And where there is doubt, then faith
    And where there’s despair, then hope

    It’s in dying that I will be born
    And in giving that I will receive
    It’s in loving that I will be loved
    This is my faith, it is what I believe
    Lord, make me an instrument
    Make me an instrument

    Lord, I am a stranger traveling
    In a brutal yet wondrous land
    Far from the promise of home
    On a journey led by Your hand
    To where the lion lies down with the lamb

    Father, grant that I’d never seek
    To be comforted as to console
    Let the blood of Your Son cover me
    Touching my spirit
    Seizing my soul

    Lord, make me an instrument
    Lord, make me an instrument
    Lord make me your instrument

    Let Your divine mystery guide my heart
    It’s in dying that I will be born
    And in giving that I will receive
    It’s in loving that I will be loved
    This is my faith, it is what I believe

    Christ within me
    Christ before me
    Christ behind me
    Christ above me
    Christ beneath me
    To my left and my right
    Christ where I lie and where I arise
    Christ in the hearts of all who think of me
    Christ on the lips of all who speak of me
    Christ in the eyes of all who see me
    Make me Your instrument, Lord
    Make me Your instrument, Lord
    Make me Your instrument, Lord
    Make me Your instrument, Lord
    Make me Your instrument

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