What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“We are slaves today, in the land you gave our ancestors.” (Nehemiah 9:36)
The bible is the story of God’s love for a stubborn family.
In times of need or crisis we cry out for help.
But when we’re doing well, we forget God or keep at a distance.
Living without God leads to hardship and misery.
Think of the prodigal son, free to live as he pleased.
And he ends up among the pigs destitute and hopeless.
Yet not quite hopeless… there’s always the father.
Like Nehemiah in this prayer, like the prodigal son, we can go back.
God does not give up on us, even when we give up on God.
Where am I right now in my relationship with the Lord?
Am I clinging to Jesus for help, or trying to go it alone?
Life in this world is impossible without the Lord as our partner.
Whatever we pursue instead will enslave us, and ruin our lives.
Thankfully, even then, we can still turn back, and we will be welcomed!
Lord, ‘prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for Your courts above
Neglect: “We will not neglect the house of our God.” When I read all the things that the people re-covenanted to do as God’s people – they responded to all that he had heard – and seeing the evidence of the neglect of their ancestors that led to God carrying out the consequences – they acted and re-committed! Yet – neglect for that which matters concerning my life as a follower of Jesus – is a problem – a daily problem I need to confront – I too need to re-convict myself to live a life of following Jesus – to listen so that I am connected to Jesus (with) so that I become like him and live for him. Neglect – recommit!
God is a faithful God and keeps His promises. Time and time again the people lost their way and yet God received them when they returned to His way and not their own. They and I need Jesus Christ to pilot me, to show me the Way, to lead and guide me in the Way I must travel – in His SonShine. Lead me and Guide me Lord by Your Spirit, serving You always, for this is the day You have made. You must be first always in all I do and say.
1. This is the day, this is the day
that the Lord has made,
that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice, we will rejoice
and be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day, this is the day
that the Lord has made.
2. Open to us, open to us
the gates of God,
the gates of God;
we will go in, we will go in
and praise the Lord, and praise the Lord.
Open to us the gates of God;
we will go in and praise the Lord.
Open to us, open to us
the gates of God.
3. You are our God, you are our God;
we will praise your name,
we will praise your name;
we will give thanks, we will give thanks
for your faithfulness, for your faithfulness.
You are our God; we will praise your name;
we will give thanks for your faithfulness.
You are our God, you are our God;
we will praise your name.