Apr 21 — Jeremiah 14:17-22

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 14:17-22

1. “Speak this word to them: ‘Let my eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing'” – God is telling Jeremiah to share this message of lament, because of the judgment that is coming, when the nation and her leaders are dragged away into captivity.
2. “Have you rejected Judah completely?” – This is too much for Jeremiah to bear, he cries out to God for mercy.
3. “O LORD, we acknowledge our wickedness and the guilt of our fathers” – Jeremiah is repenting on behalf of the nation, like Moses did when Israel rebelled in the wilderness, desperately hoping to avert this terrible judgment.
4. “Remember your covenant with us and do not break it.” – Its ironic that Jeremiah is asking God not to break the covenant with those who have broken it with Him. This appeal is the equivalent of a cheated spouse not to give up on the unfaithful spouse who is continuing to cheat and live apart from their spouse. Does this sound extreme? I have heard real life stories like this. My thought has always been… leave him or her!
5. “Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O LORD our God.” – Jeremiah is acknowledging their dependence on God, probably hoping that when the people hear it, they will remember. To no avail! They end up rejecting him and his message.

Lord, You are calling us everyday, Your love never dies. But sometimes Your mercy ends, and we need to experience the wages of our sin. In those times, give us a broken heart, like Jeremiah, that we too would sincerely repent and acknowledge our dependence on You, 100%! Amen.

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