Apr 16 — Jeremiah 11:18-23

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 11:18-23

1. “I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter… I did not realize that they had plotted against me” – An image also used of Jesus, the suffering servant (Isaiah 53:7, Acts 8:32). Jeremiah had trusted the leaders, had assumed they would respond in good faith to his words. A sad reminder that often the very people who ought to receive the message of the Lord will be the ones who reject it, and treat the messenger harshly. But also a reminder that it is through this slaughtered lamb that the Lord will bring forgiveness and healing (Leviticus 14:12-14).
2. “You who judge righteously and test the heart and mind” – Often, when persecuted, our only confidence is in the Lord, Who knows our hearts. He is the only judge that we should entrust ourselves and our future to (1 Corinthians 4:3-4).
3. “Let me see your vengeance upon them, for to you I have committed my cause” – Hardly turning the other cheek. Yet it is honest, and we can appreciate that this is how he feels. Jesus models a better way, but not an easier way. We too must commit out cause to the Lord, but it is not the way of love to demand revenge. We leave those matters to the Lord, and trust that He will do what is best. Like Jesus, we need to pray for their forgiveness.
4. “Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD or you will die by our hands” – Ironic that it was people who were eager to follow God’s law (the Pharisees) that demanded Jesus to stop speaking God’s word, and who contrived to have Jesus killed… in God’s name. Jeremiah is wanring the Jews for their own good, yet they are threatening him to keep his warnings to himself.

Lord, Your message is not easy to hear. I do not want to be arrogant or pushy, but neither do I want to hold back or remain silent. Help me to speak the truth in love, and may Your love show through me and convict those who hear Your message. Amen.


  1. vs. 18 -if we take the time to look and ask, God will always reveal what is not of Him in our lives, including satans attempts to distract, destroy and lead us astray…..
    vs. 20 – it is the LORD God Almighty who reveals Truth and takes control of every situation – tests and trials included. LORD God, help me to be responsible for my attitude and response to and during times of testing and growth. Reveal the ugliness of my heart when I am not allowing You to deal with such situations and circumstances in my life. The battle belongs to You! You are a just God! Help me LORD to embrace these times as opportunities to draw closer to You, to allow You to strengthen and encourage me, growing me in my faith….. LORD, help me to lay my life in Your hands, to trust You to carry me through the difficult and unsettling times. Holy Spirit change my heart, refine me, transform me, fill me that I may have a right heart and attitude, that I may be Your love, Your grace and Your mercy in all situations and circumstances. In my life LORD, be glorified……

  2. Jeremiah lived in an evil time when the people were also plotting against him. The Lord showed Jermiah what they were doing because he did not realize their schemes. The Lord God is Almighty and He will cause their plots to ruin. But as for Jeremiah, he was faithful for his ways were committed to His Way.

    Help me also Lord to commit my life to Your Way. Create in me a ckean heart O God that I do not commit evil to those who plot against me, but overcome the evil with good – the goodness of Your love found in me. You will take care of all things to both the Godly and the unGodly. My hope and trust is in You also on this day during the troublesome times in which I live.
    My life is in You, Lord
    My strength is in You, Lord
    My hope is in You, Lord
    In You, it’s in You

    I will praise You with all of my life
    I will praise You with all of my strength
    With all of my life
    With all of my strength
    All of my hope is in You

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