SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:27-32
1. “A tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth” – One of the most hated people to the Jews, they were traitors, taking taxes for the hated Romans, and robbing their own people while they were at it, to care for themselves. They were like the collaborators in the Nazi-occupied Europe.
2. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him” – Shocking, Jesus asks one of THEM to work with Him? That Levi (Matthew) leaves everything is a testimony to the power and authority evident in Jesus, but also to the receptivity in his own heart. Apparently he was not pleased with himself and his illicit wealth. How many more people today, ones that we JUDGE for their immoral lifestyles, are just waiting for Jesus to accept them and say ‘follow me’, and they would drop everything to follow Him? While we are busy judging, Jesus is busy inviting!
3. “Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them” – Is it not amazing how it is usually new believers who are the most active in reaching out to their neighbours, friends and family, eager to introduce them to Jesus and what they’ve found in Him. Some people call this a Levi-Party, a gathering of unchurched friends to talk openly and honestly about Jesus. Unfortunately, most of us as believers are too busy with our churched friends, and have few (if any) connections with non-Christians.
4. “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?” – The Pharisees reveal an attitude that is still prevalent among many (not all) Christians. They have a sense of disdain and aloofness to those who do not look like them, dress like them, act like them, or especially if they live immoral lifestyles. Who am I more like, Jesus or the Pharisees?
5. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick… I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” – Jesus reveals the heart of God, and the heart of the Christ-follower. Given the choice between hanging out with a immoral person and a pillar in the church, Jesus would prefer to hang out with the sinner. Its not that He disregards their sin, but He sees their deep ned for help. He is compassionate! But keep in mind that He is not saying that the Pharisees are sinless, just that they think think they are. As long as we deny our sin, He cannot help us (1 John 1:8-10). But when we admit we are sick, then we will be open to the doctor’s prescription.
Lord, I am sick, and I am in need of Your renewal. But I also know Your grace and healing, and now You want me to invite my friends and neighbours. Help me to be more like You and Levi, and less like the Pharisees. Amen.
vs. 27 “come, follow Me” – Jesus didn’t question if the tax collector was ready, had enough qualifications, his heart was open to Him. Jesus just invited ready to use the tax collector as he was. This is not how we invite people into our faith, into our churches, into our personal relationship with our Saviour.
vs. 29 – when have I ever thrown a banquet in honour of Jesus to celebrate all that He is and introduce Him to all that I know. Do I share my Jesus with everyone or do I select whom I am willing to share Him with? God forgive me!
vs. 31 – am I or are we as a church too busy tending to ourselves, feeding ourselves while others around us are neglected, starving, dying…… Why am I, why is the church so self focused. This is not Your way. LORD God, forgive me, break down the walls, may Your Spirit flood the churches so the dam of protection and judgement is destroyed. Give me courage and strength to take Your love, Your mercy, Your grace with me everywhere. Help me to be Jesus to everyone. Help me to share His love and grace as I walk this earth. May I sing His songs of praise, love and compassion. May I not be afraid to be Your hands, Your feet, Your voice….. Give me only eyes to see everyone else as You see each and every person. LORD change me. Help me LORD to not tear down but rather build bridges…… LORD, I desire with all my heart to be all that You created me to be. I know LORD that like the tax collector, You can and You do and You will use me – Here I am LORD. LORD, I give thanks and praise to You for all that You are doing in my heart. Thank You LORD for all that You are.
What a great faith! Jesus said follow me and Levi left all and followed Him. Wow! Then Levi went one step further and shared the good news with his friends with a meal. Fellowshipping together and telling others of his new found faith and following. All what happened was contrary to the mold by the religious leaders of the day and also by many of church goers also today. How do we, how do I bring the good news to those who need it? Help me Lord to never be ashamed of the Gospel but to stand up for Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Help me each day to be an instrument of Your peace.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.