SCRIPTURE: Luke 3:1-20
1. “In the fifteenth year…” (3:1-2). Luke is very carefuly to demonstrate the historical roots of this biography of Jesus. It is no abstract or philosophical (as the gnostic ‘gospels” were). Jesus is flesh and blood, born in time.
2. “Preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (3:3). It is not the baptism that results in forgiveness of sins, but repentance before God, which is essential for forgiveness. Baptism is merely a symbol, that points to a critical reality, ie God’s grace and our repentance.
3. “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him” (3:4). This prophecy goes back to a time when Israel was not experiencing the shalom that God originally promised, not because God’s promise failed but because of their sin. Repentance is the way to activate God’s blessing, He will not work until the heart is softened towards Him in honesty and humility. Our hardened hearts are crooked paths that hinder God. John’s job is to get their hearts ready to see God’s salvation.
4. “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (3:8). The form is empty apart from the corresponding reality in the heart, as seen in changed lives. Being a ‘christian’ by birth or by empty tradition means nothing to God.
5. “What then should we do” (3:10f)? The message of God has always been practical. Compassion, honesty, integrity, mercy, contentment… these are the values that characterize God’s world order (paradise, the kingdom). This is what God is looking for from EVERYONE, and the need for forgiveness and a new heart is the way to attaining these things. These are still the things that God, by His Spirit, is attempting to draw out of our hearts and lives.
6. “Waiting expectantly… possibly be the Christ” (3:15). There was a huge sense of hopeful anticipating that the messiah (greek = ‘christ’) would come and liberate the people from bondage and re-establish the kingdom of Israel. John says no, but points them to the coming of the Spirit-filled messiah. This would have been exciting news for the people… He is finally coming!
Lord, remind me again that repentance and love are not just steps to get into heaven, they are a way of life, the way of paradise, the world as you designed it to be. Amen.
There was a woman who went to her doctor and the doctor prescribed crucial medicine for her condition. The doctor explained that she needed to take the prescription and have it filled in the pharmacy. The doctor also added that it was very important that she takes the medicine, for without it, her condition would become fatal. The woman understood what the doctor was telling her, even thanked him for his help and walked out of his office. The woman went home without filling the prescription, without receiving the medicine.
This is what comes to my mind everytime we as believers hear the gospel message (at church, on tv, at a conference etc…) and then walk away from the experience and do nothing about it.
John the Baptist was not just a good preacher – he was trying to initiate the people to take a specific action – to repent of their sins.
Repentence is not a cognitive word, it is a verb – an action word. We have to take action on this or else we are not able to receive the healing God has planned for us through his Son.
This passage is clear on what the cost of this prescription is – are we really willing to pay that price 1) to repent of our sins, to let go of the grasp 2) to allow that repentance to change our lives
I am afraid, I struggle immensely with this reality – it is not enough to cognitively know about the gospel – the people of John’s age knew tons. What John’s role in preparing them to meet the saviour was for them to realize that they must lay down their tight grasp on sin and humble themselves before God and others.
Lord grant us grace – grant us action within our services within our hearts. Only your Holy Spirit can do that work within us. Come Lord Jesus, come!
Until then, we are all like patients walking out of church without having our prescriptions filled.
John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance requires an open heart producing the fruit worthy of that life of serving God. Being part of the family of God is shown by deeds – knowing = loving = doing. Christ followers share of their abumdance with others. His followers were also to be content with what they had, living truthfully and not to extort money. A believer had a new heart – a heart of service which was possible only by the power of His Spirit. The goood that is in our hearts needs to come to expression always. The summary of the law is love. Love God and Love man.
Love, love, love, love,
the gospel in one word is love.
Love thy neighbor as thy brother,
love, love, love.