Mar 29 — Proverbs 6:1-19

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 6:1-19

1. “If you have been trapped by what you said… go and humble yourself”. Good advice from father to son. When your words or actions are starting to get you into trouble, don’t make it worse by digging yourself deeper. Humble yourself. This is the consistent message of the Bible. Be honest, be humble, admit your failings and your need for help or mercy. This is the best (and only) way to get the help we really need.
2. “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” Ahh, that’s humbling, even insects have sense enough to work to provide for themselves. If ‘evolution’ is true, then we’ve gone backwards, for many of us have less sense than insects. More good advice from father to son, take life seriously and devote yourself to working well, living well. Don’t waste your life!
3. “Who plots evil with deceit in his heart”. Whatever we may be saying with our mouths and showing with our actions, our hearts are the true source. As Jesus said, “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks…” This is where we need to allow the Spirit of God to do His surgery.
4. “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him”. A figure of speech meaning a summary list, an attempt to express the heart of God through a list (which can never be complete). The Lord hates arrogance, deception, violence, etc. This is common sense, and anyone who thinks about it would recognize that these things are NOT good. And yet how subtly our hearts can lead us into these attitudes and behaviours, without our even realizing it.
5. Through this passage I hear the Lord saying, take sin seriously and strive with all His energy to change your heart, to become more and more like God, which is really the best way to be.

Lord, I may pride myself that I am not as bad as others, but if I look deep within, I can see the sublte ways that arrogance, deception, or cruelty can tinge and distort even my very best efforts. Lord, humble me and help me, I pray, to become more like You. Amen.

One Comment

  1. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. I am a steward of His gifts to me. I am responsible for all what He has given me. He is my freedom. I must be sure never to bite off more than I can chew in this world. My debts must always be what I can afford and get rid of or forgiven. But the best debt of forgiveness is through Jesus , my Saviour.

    God’s creation also shows lessons that can teach me how to live – such as the ant. I must not be lazy in life – both physically and spiritually. I need to work for my daily necessities of life but I must also diligent work at my focus of my daily living for Jesus. I need to live my life in Word and Deed, serving Him always!

    In my service, I must hate what God hates. Seven is a whole number – all sins are detestable to Him. I must live a life wholy/holy to Him! I must be God focussed in all I do and say. Not my will be Yours be done also this day Lord. Help me to keep my eyes on Jesus, My Saviour and My God! Help me this day to Live For Jesus in all I do and say. As Joshua said, As for me and my household, we will serve the living God!

    You are my strength when I am weak
    You are the treasure that I seek
    You are my all in all
    Seeking You as a precious jewel
    Lord, to give up I’d be a fool
    You are my all in all

    Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
    Rising up again I bless Your name
    You are my all in all
    When I fall down You pick me up
    When I am dry You fill my cup
    You are my all in all

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