Mar 26 — Proverbs 3:21-35

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:21-35

1. Solomon gives examples of God’s kind of wisdom: “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it”; “Do not plot harm against your neighbour”; “Do not envy a violent man”. He follows these observations with reasons against these examples of folly.
2. “My son, preserve…” This suggests that we cannot passively hope to grow in wisdom, we must actively take steps to stand in wisdom, to learn from it. We must seek first, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, the wisdom and the truth of God. It does cry out loud enough to be heard, but there are so many distractions, and our fingers are often in our ears, that we do not hear its call.
3. “The Lord will be your confidence”. Those who are cruel, greedy, impatient, deceptive, immoral, etc. often find themselves lacking confidence. Their actions may provide temporary relief of pleasure, but in time they are unsettled, nervous, anxious. Like the person who lies, they must now try to keep their lies intact, and are always walking on eggshells to make sure they are not found out. Solomon advises that we live according to God’s will, then even if we lack confidence elsewhere, we will have it in Him.
4. “Have no fear…” This sounds like Jesus, “do ot be afraid”. It is not because there are no frightening situations out there, its just that we are sticking close to the one Who is bigger than all those frightening situations. Like the childrens’ song says, “God is bigger than the bogey man, He’s bigger than godzilla or the monster on TV.”
5. “The Lord’s curse… He blesses…” God does not arbitrarily or vengefully place His curse on whoever might displease or reject Him. God is not like that. His curse has to rest on those who oppose Him, because what they are doing is evil. Abuse is evil, how can He bless them? Selfishness, greed, lust, lack of compassion, these are all awful realities, how can He not curse those who delight in these things.
6. Am I taking enough time to meditate on these truths? Wisdom fills the pages of the Bible, but it does not simply come to those who open it or read it, they must delight in it, diligently seek it out, hunger and thirst for it, meditate on it. But here I am rushing out these meditations, meeting a deadline. Am I really spending time listening to You, learning from what I am reading?

Lord, thank You again for Your patience with me. Thank You for reminding me to slow down, and do these devotions reflectively, slowly, with all my heart. Help me to hear You, to enjoy being with You, and to renew my love for You. Amen.

One Comment

  1. Discipleship is a way of life. To be a Christ follower demands good judgement and discernment also today. To walk in His Way is the only way to walk since He will direct my footsteps on my pathway with His Light. Then I will be able to truly see and avoid the barriers and pitfalls that would otherwise overtake me. My hope and confidence is in the Lord God who will guard me along life’s journey.

    And as I travel I must show my love for Him by doing. To know Him is to love Him is to do for Him. These words – to know – to love – to do – are all action words. Help me Lord that the actions I do this day will give evidence – will testify – that Christ is living in me. As far as it depends upon me this day, may I live at peace with all mankind. Help me to lean on You this day Lord.

    What does the LORD require of me? but to do justice, and to love kindness, and towalk humbly with my God.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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