Mar 21 — Proverbs 1:1-7

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1:1-7

1. Solomon wrote these words to help people gain wisdom – not information. We can know a lot of things, yet be very foolish.
2. Wisdom is something like common sense for daily living, for helpful, healthy and successful living.
3. Parables and proverbs capture in simple yet profound ways, in ways that are easy to remember, the best way to live. Think of Jesus, how He taught in parables (the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son), acted out parables (washing feet, touching lepers) or taught with short, pointed proverbs (“where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”; do to others what you would have them do to you).
4. Wisdom (the best, then most common sense way to live) starts with honouring and recognizing God for Who He is, as first and foremost, deserving our respect and devotion. He is the source and goal of all things, to live apart from Him or in defiance of Him and His ways is just plain stupid, and will result less than helpful and healthy living.
5. I can think of people that I think are obviously living foolish lives, messing themselves and others up – and yet they are blind to it. The question for me is, is there somewhere in my life, some practice or attitude, that is obviously foolish yet I am blind to it? Its easy to see others faults, but can I see my own folly?
6. Solomon is urging us to think very carefully, to listen to the wisdom of others, and to be open to admitting we are not OK, that we need God’s help. That is the best place to start.

Lord, I know that there are attitudes and behaviours in my life that are not wise, and that one day I will look back on with sad regret. Help me not to wait for that time, but to choose wisdom now. Help me to fear, trust and seek You first! Amen.

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