Mar 16 — Joshua 17:1-18

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 17:1-18

Not sure what “lessons” I glean from this passage. Provision is made for Zelophehad’s daughters? The Manassites were not strong enough, or confident enough, to take the land from the Canaanites? They had more confidence in the enemy’s iron chariots than in their God’s power? Or, like Joshua learned the hard way here, even when we are doing God’s work, there will be leadership and management challenges. Life and ministry get messy, tricky. I wonder whether we should not try to spiritualize this story, looking for “lessons”, and rather just see this as a part of the bigger story of God’s arranging things for the eventual coming of the Messiah. This is not a Aesop’s fable, with a moral. Its the unfolding story, with boring and messy details (just like our lives) that somehow leads towards God’s conclusion. We want to turn it into a logical, coherent, neat and tidy system. All we can say is that somehow, somewhere, God is at work behind this.

My life consists of layers of messy, dirty and trivial details. Somehow, somewhere, through it all, God is at work. Like the story of Esther, where God is nowhere mentioned, He is still at work, for His purpose. For me, faith is not always understanding what God is doing (or how) – often I do not – but affirming that He is, whether I see or understand it or not. Leading a church is not all glory stories, there are many boring, messy, dirty details. I often get bogged down in stuff that makes me wonder, ‘is this what ministry is all about?’ I cling to this assurance, no matter what is going on around me, that somehow God is expanding His Kingdom through Jesus, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. It keeps me going when I want to quit. When the iron chariots of resistance seem bigger? When the obstacles to God’s plan (like the Canaanites) do not move so quickly or easily? Keep hanging on to this, that God will triumph in the end.

Lord, keep my eyes on You, especially when the details and struggles get me down. Remind me that the resistance and the obstacles are bigger and stronger than me, that I hang on to You, and trust that one day, somewhere, somehow, You will establish Your kingdom. Amen.


  1. What stands out for me in these passages is the difference in attitude and confidence between Caleb (Josh 14:12) and these descendents of Joseph. Caleb in Josh 14:12 states that “with the LORD helping me, I WILL drive them out just as He said.” Such confidence and trust! The people of Joseph doubted – they felt the Cannanites where too many and too strong for them to drive out. Not once did they consider God’s strength and promises to be with them.

    “LORD, I thank You that You are always in control. Nothing is impossible with You. LORD God, like Caleb, I so desire to live every moment and situation of my life with the confidence and promise of Your power and Your strength. Help me not to doubt or fear as the people of Joseph did in these scriptures when You are leading or asking of me. You are so much bigger than anything we face. You are able to do so much more than we ever consider in our limited minds. In Your strength, not mine!”

  2. Once again I read of the allotments the various tribes received from the Lord. All that I have is also by God’s grace and must be used for His service. Even though the tribes had received their land they were still to live together as brothers in the land – God’s family. Yet they also did not drive out the Canaanites.

    To Mannasseh, Joshua told them to work for their inheritance and God would enlarge their territory. That is also true today. Without Christ I am nothing but in Christ I am able. I must not be idle but give my best in His service and my territory will be enlarged. Sounds like the prayer of Jabez – increase my territory Oh Lord. Joyful thanksliving every day.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
    Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
    Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

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