Mar 15 — Joshua 16:1-10

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 16:1-10

Here we see God giving a double blessing to Joseph, by giving land to his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. But he is also maintaining the number “twelve” for the tribes, because Levi is the landless tribe, they do not receive an inheritance because their “place” is throughout the nation as the servants of the temple. We also see again that they did not completely follow God’s intention of clearing the land of the Canaanites, but compromised with them, making them slaves. God takes steps to keep Himself central to the newly established nation, but still they lose sight of Him and His kingdom purpose.

In some ways, I am like Joseph, doubly blessed. For me and for my family I see evidence of abundant and amazing blessing. Yet am I guilty, like Ephraim and Manasseh, of compromising my relationship with the Lord by living more for worldly comfort and pleasure than for His Kingdom purpose. This is a heart issue, one that forces me to ask again and again, who (or what) am I really living for? I say that I live for Jesus first, that “all of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these into (His) hands”. The Lord is constantly putting reminders around me (like spiritual Levites), spread throughout my day, my life, wherever I am, reminding me of seeking Him first. These devotional readings serve that purpose as well.

Lord, thank You for the daily reminders to seek You first, and not to live selfishly, carelessly. I want to surrender all of my ambitions, hopes and plans into You hands. Amen.


  1. Again, we read of boundaries, allotments that have been distributed, charted and mapped by God. We also see clearly that when we do not follow God’s directions and purposes, there are consequences. LORD, I am reminded of how often my intention is to do Your will completely, abide by You, live according to Your ordained purposes for my life yet, I allow myself to be distracted, to do what I want to do and the consequences are that I become a slave of this world giving satan a foothold into my life. I praise You LORD that You are always waiting with arms wide open to draw me back to You, to redirect my heart and my life. Thank You LORD that You are greater than anything this world has to offer. Thank You LORD for life lessons that bring us closer to You. Knowing You Jesus, their is no greater thing! Nothing compares to the promise I have in You! Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Amazing Grace!

  2. This is a description of the allotments for Joseph and Ephraim. We see once again that their inheritance is from the Lord. He gave them their land and they must be satisfied with those gifts. But once again the people did not drive out all their enemies, exercising the ‘ban’ completely.

    In my daily living for Jesus, I am in the world but not of the world. I am blessed by God with all that I have. All that I have comes from Him and all is His. I need to be content always. But wherever I am I must also see my enemies. Help me from day to day to focus on You Lord. Help me also this day to put You first in my living for Jesus.

    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.

    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.

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