Mar 14 — Joshua 15:1-63

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 15:1-63

My first thought when I read this is… BORING. Extended list of names of places I never heard of. Most people probably skip over this (some people are bothered that I assigned 63 verses of this stuff for 1 daily reading. So, is there a point? One thought that comes to mind, that God is working long and hard behind the scenes, well beforehand, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. This is about Judah’s inheritance, and we know that Jesus is to be born of the tribe of Judah, and will enter Jerusalem to bring the message of God’s kingdom, only to be rejected. That Judah could not take Jerusalem (v.63) could be an allusion to the future difficulty that God Himself would have in “taking” Jerusalem. I guess the lesson that impacts me as I read this, when I read it from God’s perspective, is that God’s purpose will be fulfilled, one day, whether or not this planet (and these people) are easy to dislodge.

Question, why were the Jebusites hard to dislodge? Jericho was hard too, but God enabled them to defeat it. So was this an instance of the people of Judah not relying on God? If I think of an analogy of sin in my own life, where just made the observation in my journal that I was unable to dislodge certain sinful attitudes in my own heart… is this an instance of my not relying on God either? My gut instinct is that, where sin remains obstinate, it demands perseverence and patience on my part. As Jerusalem was eventually defeated, so will my sin. God’s purpose will ultimately triumph, the Messiah will come, He will triumph!

Lord, thank You for the reminder that I am weak, but You are strong. My power will not triumph, but Yours will. Help me stay focused on You, and rely on You. Its my only hope. Amen.


  1. Because of the personal journey that I am on the word ‘boundary’ which was repeatedly used in this passage really spoke to my heart. I have allowed satan to break down my spiritual boundaries and completely derail me. Thank You LORD for the boundaries that You have set on each of our lives that allow us to be all that You created us to be. God forgive me for not allowing Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. Thank You LORD that You are in control, that Your power is greater than the deciever. Thank You LORD that nothing can stop Your good and perfect plans for each and every one of us – no matter how often we lose focus. Thank You LORD that our lives in Christ are already mapped and charted out by You! Place a hedge of protection around each and every one of us. Lead us and guide us by Your Spirit that Your will may be done, that You might be glorified. By the power of Your Love, be our all in all.

  2. Here I read about the lands given to the people – their promised inheritance. It gives a general description of their ‘kingdom’ given to them by the Lord. They had not been this way before. The Lord God was their power and now He has given what He promised – the Promised Land. DO THIS and LIVE was God’s basic instruction yet it seems to me that Judah did not. They could not rid the land of the Jebusites because – they had lost their way, became weary in battles, became discouraged, went their own way and not God’s way. We are not told this yet there are many instances in the Bible when the people became weary in doing His work, His people would not be victorious.

    Help me also on this day Lord to live that TodayGodIsFirst. Your will be done. Help me in my living for Jesus everyday and always.

    These are the days of Elijah,
    Declaring the word of the Lord:
    And these are the days of Your servant Moses,
    Righteousness being restored.
    And though these are days of great trial,
    Of famine and darkness and sword,
    Still, we are the voice in the desert crying
    ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord!’

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