Mar 13 — Joshua 14:1-15

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 14:1-15

This section is about receiving the inheritance, the land (space, roots) promised by God. In the context for Israel, it was a dream come true, after Abraham left his home to look for a land, a place to call home. But this local story belongs to the ultimate story of humanity not having a home, having been driven from God’s paradise because of sin. Like Cain, we are restless wanderers (Genesis 4:12), looking for security, belonging, significance. Embedded within this historical narrative is God’s unfolding plan to restore humanity to their space, their place within their garden. It will not come easy, it will be a path of blood, sweat and tears (ultimately experienced by God Himself, in Christ). But ultimately all people are invited to return to God and find their place in His world.

Rootless, restless wanders, what an apt description of all people. Looking for love, for belonging, for a place “where everyone knows your name”. This particular story is like the invasion on D-Day, when a beachhead was finally taken in Europe by the allies. God has conquered a space in this rebel world, now He will unfold His plan for the ultimate invasion – His own incarnation. Caleb (and Joshua) are examples to us. First of Jesus, who faithfully follows God even against the opposition of their own people (and common sense). But second of our own faith in God’s promise… this land will one day be restored. This world belongs to God, and we are advance troops anticipating the final kingdom. Do I see my town as God’s town, His space, His paradise, for His glory and for the enjoyment of all. Am I too rooted in my own little kingdom that I do not have the time or desire to focus on God’s kingdom? As long as I focus on me, myself and I, I will also be a rootless, restless wanderer, always seeking, never finding.

Lord, open my eyes to see this world (and my own place in it) from Your perspective. As I read this Joshua story, help me to see it in the ultimate sense of Your conquest and restoration of Your paradise. And help me to see my place in this story! Amen.


  1. “LORD, thank You for Your great promises of faith. Thank You for the renewal of my heart and the spiritual awakening that is taking place. Help me to live in strict accordance to Your will always giving You my best. Grant me ears and a heart to hear and know Your will for my life so that I may follow Your leadings as each day unfolds. Grant me the courage to see each situation and circumstance with You. Wholeheartedly do I long to follow You and You alone. So many distractions have I allowed to sever the devotion to You that I once knew. LORD, thank You for bringing me back to Your heart. By Your Spirit, may I become as You created me to be – wholly devoted to You. Thank You for the power of Your love. Grant to me a heart like Caleb – courageously facing all of life with cmplete trust in You Oh LORD. With You I need never fear! I’m coming back to the heart of worship LORD! Thank You for revealing that my heart is the symbol of the land spoken of in these scriptures- thank You LORD that Jesus has already conquered the giants…… Here I am LORD! I surrender all. May You be glorified.”

  2. The children of the Lord received their inheritance of land from Him through Moses. We too recive all what we have from the Lord. In the Lord’s prayer I pray, Give us today our daily bread. How truly He has given me that!

    In receiving all what He has given me I must follow Him wholeheartedly. That is mentioned twice in the passage. With all my heart, I need to follow Him. My heart is my life source not only physically but also spiritually. God is my all in all. Just as the name Caleb mean ‘all heart’, I too need to give wholehearted thanksgiving and thanksliving to my King!

    Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bring
    In praise of Thy marvelous deeds I will sing;
    In Thee I will joy and exultingly cry,
    Thy Name I will praise, O Jehovah, Most High.


    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice!
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
    O come to Jehovah, declare ye His fame,
    And give Him all honor, for just is His Name.

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