Mar 11 — 1 John 5:1-12

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 5:1-12

Somehow, Jesus (the Son of God) is the key, to everything. To life, to love, to God, to hope. Apart from the Son of God, there is no life, no love, no God, no hope. I have come to a place where I believe this. My understanding of God and creation reality is that all things were made by Him and for Him, and we live, move and have our being through Him. He is neck of the hourglass, the connecting point between the fullness of God at the top of the hourglass, and our own receiving of that fullness. This applies to everyone, and everything. This does not set Christianity above every other religion, it is but one religion among them all; it sets Jesus above every other religion. Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, not Christianity. Jesus did not come to form a religion, but to make possible a relationship. Just as Jesus revealed Himself to the wise men through their faulty religious searching – and they responded with faith – it is possible for people to find Jesus (the Son of God, or the Word/Logos of God) through their religion… but they too must respond with faith, humility, submission, to what they discover by God’s grace there.

There is no life apart from Jesus, no existence, no forgiveness, no hope. Jesus is the fullness of God in bodily form, and He is God’s invitation to recover the life we lost with the fall into sin. Jesus is the way for me. Wherever I look, I see evidence of Jesus. Even in the spiritual searching on those who do not know Jesus, even as atheists seek truth in the material world. Behind and through their efforts, the Spirit is revealing God through Jesus. But how do they respond? I think of Anthony Flew, the atheist who recently responded to the evidence the Spirit was working in his heart, and so became a theist. God’s work continues in his heart. There is no other way – no philosophy, no religion, no political party, no education, no sacrifice – nothing can help us rediscover true life and love… only Jesus.

Lord Jesus, thank You for speaking loudly, clearly, to me and to the world around me. Forgive me for missing it, and thank You for showing me that even non-Christians are getting it, somewhat. Open my eyes that I may see You more. Amen.

One Comment

  1. As children in our families obey our earthly parents, we also need to obey our heavenly father. Obedience is a way of life. Obedience is God’s command to us even in the ten commandments. Being part of the family means to obey the father of the family.. To love is to obey.

    Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. By His blood we are set free. The water is a symbol that by the blood we are cleansed. It is only through the Son we have life and life eternal. All this would not be possible without the Spirit working in us. Thank You Lord for the Good News. Help us on our way to share the gospel today.

    In Christ alone my hope is found,
    He is my light, my strength, my song;
    this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
    firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
    What heights of love, what depths of peace,
    when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
    My Comforter, my All in All,
    here in the love of Christ I stand.

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