SCRIPTURE: 1 John 2:18-27
Apparently there were some among these believers that were not true believers (among them, but not of them), who were misleading the other believers away from faith in Jesus. John calls these people anti (against)-Christ. Those who do believe have the Holy Spirit (anointing), and the Spirit equips them to know, to grow, and to show the love of Jesus. Pay attention to the voice of the Spirit within, and test what others say by that Spirit. In the end, anything (or anyone) who draws attention away from Jesus as the way, the truth and the life, is anti-Christ. We need to discipline ourselves to remain in Jesus, to renew ourselves daily in this message, to pay attention to the Spirit within us. Given the fact that it was the last hour then, how much more should we now be taking this seriously.
Are there people or pressures that are leading me away from focusing on Jesus as the way, truth and life? Where do I face the greatest challenge in my relationship with Him? Am I able to sense the Spirit’s present and leading within me, especially when I am dealing with deception, distraction or tempation? If I am going to be able to stand firm, I need to be strong in Jesus, and in His Spirit. I need to better discern the Spirit’s leading and teaching. Too often I go into my day unprepared, unaware of the battles and enemies I am facing. That leaves me vulnerable. Unless I exercise and discipline my faith muscles, they will remain weak and unable to handle the challenges I face each day. And I can certainly sense those pressures mounting, in me and around me.
Lord, tune my heart to the sound of Your voice, and to the guidance of Your Spirit. Help me hear, listen and follow. Amen.
What pops out to me would be the obvious argument about the divinity of Christ. It gives me pause to reevaluate the importance of orthodoxy. I do believe that right beliefs are important. We are not to be swayed or mislead in who Christ revealed himself to be. We have the anointing of the Spirit to testify to this fact as well. Just a thought, for what’s worth.
“You have an anointing from the Holy One.”
According to this, the Spirit in me gives me a very real power to discern the truth and to resist deception, distraction and temptation. This is true for everyone that is a Christ-follower. I was not taught this, at least I do not remember being taught this. This seems a most important piece of information for anyone who determines to follow Jesus.
Do I need to seek it, to discern it, to listen to and follow it? How does one experience it? Is it a feeling, a still small voice? Is it an energy force, a supernatural strength or knowledge? What do I look for, how do I tap into it?
Or should I not look for the power, and just focus on Jesus, and allow Him to give the power when and how He determines. It is not like the “force” in Star Wars (or in other eastern religions) that comes by meditation or mind-exercises; it is the result of our relationship with Jesus. Like the feeling and energy that comes from being with someone you love, its not something you seek, but something that results from being with someone you love.
Our focus is not on the experience or on the spiritual energy, those are by-products of being in relationship with Jesus, God in the flesh. Our fellowship with God and Him opens us to the Spirit (the anointing).
I want to have a personal relationship with Jesus. This is the essence of Jesus’ message, “come to me and I will give…”
Discernment. This needs to be part of my living for Jesus every day so that I walk in the Way. There are those who have claimed to be Jesus walkers in the past but have become ego walkers in the present. They have left the fellowshio of believers and have gone their way. Lord, give me the eyes that see You everyday and the presence of Your Spirit to encourage me on my way so I can be a Light Walker each day. Not my will but Your will be done each day. Help me this day to live as You have taught me to pray.
O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend;
I shall not fear the battle if Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway if Thou wilt be my Guide.
O let me see Thy footprints, and in them plant mine own;
My hope to follow duly is in Thy strength alone.
O guide me, call me, draw me, uphold me to the end;
And then in Heaven receive me, my Savior and my Friend.