Mar 2 — 1 John 1:5-10

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 1:5-10

Darkness represents what is not good, light represents what is good. The good life results from fellowship with God, walking with Him; those that do not have a relationship with God end up walking in the dark. Its not that those who walk with God are perfect, far from it, but they are forgiven and they are determined to change how they live. They’re committed, with His help, to live a good, godly, moral life. Those who deny sin in their life show how deceived (ie in the dark) they are. The closer we are to God, the more aware we are of sin, the more we realize our need for His mercy and help, and the more we are determined to change to become like Him.

This is very personal and appropriate for me. I need to apply this to the sinful attitudes and desires that distort my heart and life. Its usually a combination of pride, self-reliance, greed, self-centeredness, judgmental or critical spirit, lukewarmness. In varying ways these attitudes and desires reveal themselves to me, or rather the Spirit gently points them out to me. But am I sufficiently bothered by them, aware of my desperate need for mercy and help, and determined to change them. Ahh, that would be the lukewarm thing again. I do know that I am forgiven, but am I taking my sin seriously enough?

Lord, I do not think I am perfect, but in many subtle (and not so subtle?) ways I still think I am pretty good. Yet it doesn’t take me long to see within me the desperate condition of my heart. Lord, convict and convince me to take this SERIOUSLY. Amen.

One Comment

  1. We read that Jesus is the Light of the world. Without light there is no life To walk in darkness means to be dead since life can not exist without light. I need to be a light walker, walking in His Way because He shows us the Way to Life. He has said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and it in only in Him I have forgiveness of sins because His light always shines for all who believe. Help me Lord on my Way.

    Lord, the light of your love is shining
    In the midst of the darkness, shining
    Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
    Set us free by the truth you now bring us
    Shine on me, shine on me

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