Feb 29 — Haggai 2:20-23

SCRIPTURE: Haggai 2:20-23

God reminds Zerubbabel of His ultimate purpose, to overthrow evil and establish justice, truth and goodness. This is an ultimate promise that God gives to everyone who suffers – “trust Me, I am working to set things straight, and one day… you will see!” Zerubbabel represents the line of the Messiah, the heir to David’s throne. Through this promised anointed heir (anointed = messiah = christ), God will set things straight. Like the signet ring, the official seal of royal authority, this Messiah will establish God’s rule and justice, i.e. the Kingdom of God. When Jesus comes, He comes announcing this Kingdom of God, this is the good news!

Perspective, this passage reminds me to see the big picture, that no matter how weak or pathetic the kingdom may appear, God is at work through Jesus turning this world right-side-up, and one day… we will see! This perspective keeps us looking in the right direction. Satan is always tempting us to look away from Jesus, to distract us by the wind and the waves so that we start to sink. But Jesus calls us, calls me, to look to Him, hang on to Him, no matter one. For one day… I will see!

Lord, grant me the strength and the faith to hang on to You and Your Kingdom work, and to join You in doing it, trusting that my labour is not in vain. Amen.


  1. It seems to me that we have bought into the world’s estimation of ourselves. We hold back in fear, we see ourselves as weak and small and insignificant. Zerubbabel was all of these things, but the one thing going for him was that he was connected to God’s Messiah. That connection made him God’s chosen servant, through whom the heavens and the earth would be shook.

    All the excuses I (we) offer for not sharing my faith, for not stepping out of my comfort zone to witness to/serve others, are just that, excuses. What they betray is unbelief. I do not really believe that Jesus is the Lord, and that I represent Him as His ambassador, and that His Spirit is empowering me to do amazing things for Him.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses… simply a cover for unbelief. The challenge for me today is to stop play-acting and pretending, and start being a sincere and serious Christ-follower. I am the chosen one of the All-Powerful Lord, His signet ring. Its not because I am so strong (like Zerubbabel, I am nothing), but because I am connected to God’s Messiah.

    No more excuses. Start living like it!

  2. Amid all the fightings by the rulers of the world, the Lord will preserve His people. It is the Lord God who is in control and He is with His people carrying out His promises and letting His people know what He is doing. Zerubbabel is from David’s line. God’s promise is alive. And the signet ring signifies that. The Lord chooses His own and they are sealed for His purpose so that His will be done. That’s all made possible through the promise of Christ.

    Each and every day Lord, may I experience Your presence. Help me to see You in my daily living. You show Your presence by a rainbow. You show Your presence by Your Word. Thank You for the encouragement given by Your Spirit. As you working through Your people yesteryear, continue to work through Your people also today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    You are my God and I will praise You,
    You are my God, and I will exalt You!
    You are my and I will praise You,
    Just like my fathers, I will exalt You!

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